Re: [Origami] "Heart" by Hiroshi Kumasaka

2020-05-19 Thread Claire Landre
On Mon, 18 May 2020, 21:50 Gerardo, 

> ...Could one of you please show me Hiroshi Kumasaka's heart model in one
> of those sources?

Hi Gerardo,
I confirm. Heart model by Hiroshi Kumasaka published in Le Pli
(spring/summer 1995).
Heart shape stands in front of "white" background.
Colour behind. Fold square in half. Break in two top little corners. Then
align 2 corner to center (plane fold). Bring 2 parallel edges to center
mountain fold. Fold in half, heart shape on one side. Inside reverse fold
on the 2 hinge corners. Finished. (-:
It recently was subject to a modular variation in one of our online groups.

All the best,
>From Claire (France)

[Origami] "Heart" by Hiroshi Kumasaka

2020-05-18 Thread Gerardo

I was taught a heart model and was told it's by Hiroshi Kumasaka. I want to
confirm if it's truly his model. I take model credits very seriously. I
looked for the model on Gilad's website. It says diagrams of the model were
published in Le Pli 62-63, NOA Kessakusen, NOA magazine #15, and also #66.
Could one of you please show me Hiroshi Kumasaka's heart model in one of
those sources?

Those of you who would like to help me, you can answer through the list or
privately to my email address: gerardo(a)

Thank you in advance.
