Hi there,

first things off, yes, the baby's here! I gave birth to my third son, Finn,
on June 20th 2018. We're all doing great, Felix and Niklas are loving big
brothers and my husband and me happy parents of now three little ones. :)
For those of you wanting to have a glimpse of my three kids, I recorded a
short announcement video:

happyfolding: https://www.happyfolding.com/vlog-meet_baby_finn
YouTube: https://youtu.be/x1Uz9zaC4m8

In the video I did mention there that I might not be uploading videos as
regularly for a while, but so far I've managed. I'm not sure whether that
will work out this month, too, but for now here's an overview of the videos
I uploaded since my last email to you:

1. Vertigo (Francesco Mancini)
This is a fun action model, which you can play with to your heart's
delight. I recommend using strong, stiff paper. If you have Elephant Hide,
that's perfect!

Picture: https://www.happyfolding.com/gallery-mancini-vertigo
Time-Lapse: https://youtu.be/_O0wCKGVLT0 or
Tutorial: https://youtu.be/NHQzdC36cUQ or

Thanks to Francesco for another wonderful model and his permission to make
this tutorial for you! Also, if you prefer diagrams, you'll be happy to
know you can purchase them here:
And don't forget to check out Francesco's Flickr stream to view more of his
fantastic work: https://www.flickr.com/photos/mancinerie

2. Carambola (Ekaterina Lukasheva)
I simply fell in love with this easy-to-fold, modular carambola. It's also
surprisingly versatile, as you can change its look by combining fewer or
more modules, or by incorporating different color-changes to get beautiful

Picture: https://www.happyfolding.com/gallery-lukasheva-carambola
Time-Lapse: https://youtu.be/caXxdDTRti4 or
Tutorial: https://youtu.be/M9lBDfTmmN0 or

Thanks to Ekaterina for this beautiful model and her permission to present
it to you in a tutorial! Also check out Kate's books, "Floral Origami"
includes diagrams for this model:
https://www.happyfolding.com/book-lukasheva-floral_origami - and her
website, http://kusudama.me/

3. Love Birds (Francis Ow)
When the sad news of Francis Ow's passing reached me, I wanted to take some
time to remember him and his loving, generous nature. I decided to fold
something in his memory and chose a model from the free e-book he made
available earlier this year. Indeed, it was the first model I folded after
giving birth to Finn. Life and death were so close here, and I do hope Finn
will have a full life and spread as much love as Francis did.
As a special tribute, I decided to make a tutorial on his "Love Birds",
which I hope will continue to spread Francis' love through origami.

Picture: https://www.happyfolding.com/gallery-ow-love_birds
Time-Lapse: https://youtu.be/kjye6fMGhDI or
Tutorial: https://youtu.be/hh-EeQtpNmg or

Thanks also to Nick for giving me permission to post these videos. The
e-book "More Origami Hearts 4U" continues to be available on
http://owrigami.com/, the direct link is: http://owrigami.com/hearts4U.pdf

4. i-Squash-ahedron (David Brill)
Continuing my theme of relatively simple, but definitely fun models, my
latest video shows you how to fold "a curious thing" by Dave. It's
surprisingly addictive to squash this model back and forth, you'll have to
give it a try to see for yourself. :)

Picture: https://www.happyfolding.com/gallery-brill-isquashahedron
Time-Lapse: https://youtu.be/FpG8-LIvQFQ or
Tutorial: https://youtu.be/boTJ3fVZ60U or

Thanks to Dave for another enjoyable model and his permission to produce a
tutorial for it. You can also download diagrams from Dave's website:
https://brilliantorigami.com/2018/06/23/new-diagrams-i-squash-ahedron/ -
and while you're at it explore the other goodness he's offering there.

Now, I hope all is well on your side, too.
Enjoy the summer, and, of course, happy folding,

-- Sara

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