The online article, "Teaching Old Drugs New Tricks "  AARP Magazine.
November 2018, has photos, but not clear enough to see the origami folds.

Karen  11/20/2018
"The Origami Robot

This tiny, biodegradable robot unfolds itself from a frozen capsule and
then scoots around in the stomach, controlled by magnets outside the body.
So far it has removed foreign objects and repaired wounds in an artificial
stomach. Its creators in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory say ingestible
robots may someday perform surgeries and deliver drugs, too.

The Accordion Pill

Made of pleated, biodegradable, medical-grade film encased in a capsule,
the Accordion Pill unfurls when the capsule dissolves in stomach fluid. The
pleated film releases the medication, tucked into its folds, for up to 12
hours. The pill was designed as a delivery system for meds, such as the
Parkinson’s disease treatment carbidopa/levodopa, that are best absorbed in
a slow, steady manner in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract.

Karen Reeds, co-ringleader
Princeton Public Library Origami Group
Affiliate of Origami USA,
We usually meet 2nd Wednesday of the month, 6:30-8pm, 1st floor Quiet Room.
We provide paper! All welcome! (Kids under 8, please bring a grown-up.)
Princeton Public Library info:  609.924.9529

Celebrating 13 years of paperfolding in Princeton!
Our next meetings:  Wednesday, December12, 2018

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