Re: [Origami] Wildfires in L.A.

2025-01-09 Thread Louise Yale via Origami
Robert and family
Glad you are safe.
Wishing you strength for the restoration.
Louise in NorCal

> Hi everyone,
> As many of you know, there were devastating wildfires in Altadena the last
> two days. Many homes and businesses were burned. Unfortunately, Diane and
> I lost both our home and my studio (and everything that didn't fit in two
> cars); fortunately, we both are safe and sound, as are the dogs and
> critters. We have a place to stay, and are starting TODAY the long process
> of restoration. (As are so many other affected people in Altadena and
> elsewhere in L.A.)
> Here's some video I shot the first night and in the morning (after driving
> through neighborhoods dodging still-burning homes, debris, downed trees,
> downed wires, and billowing smoke):
> Home:
> Studio:
> Studio's last minutes (1:30 am):
> To those who have offered help: we thank you all! At the moment, we don't
> need anything that we could ask of you, but we do love you all and won't
> hesitate to ask if we think of something. (Besides, here's my philosophy
> on what I need: )
> I'm probably going to go dark on social media for a while, only because
> there's only so many hours in the day and there's a ton to do! So I may
> not see your replies (and no need to reply to this post). Just know that
> it's been wonderful to see that so many friends are out there with
> concerns and willingness to help. We love you all!
> And for those of you who know that I manage the OrigamiUSA website: I’ll
> still be doing that. (It will be a welcome break from the minutiae of
> insurance and all the other stuff that now needs doing!) I probably will
> be lousy at replying to personal emails; sorry in advance!
> One last note: someone set up a "GoFundMe" for me without asking. It was
> an honest well-wished attempt, but I asked the person to take it down.
> Financially, Diane and I will be fine, so please ignore any such things
> you might see; they won't be authorized (and will probably be used to
> enrich Kim Jong Un.)

Re: [Origami] Wildfires in L.A.

2025-01-09 Thread jgerring--- via Origami
So very sorry for your loss. I hope you can move forward quickly to rebuild 
your life. So glad you and Diane and pets are safe.  

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Thursday, January 9, 2025, 12:55 PM, Robin Bresson via Origami 

Wishing you and your family a safe transition into a more permanent home, until 
you are able to address this catastrophic event.  Hearts broken for all of you 
from Connecticut. 

Sent from Binbin

On Thursday, January 9, 2025, 11:35 AM, Robert Lang  

Hi everyone,

As many of you know, there were devastating wildfires in Altadena the last two 
days. Many homes and businesses were burned. Unfortunately, Diane and I lost 
both our home and my studio (and everything that didn't fit in two cars); 
fortunately, we both are safe and sound, as are the dogs and critters. We have 
a place to stay, and are starting TODAY the long process of restoration. (As 
are so many other affected people in Altadena and elsewhere in L.A.)

Here's some video I shot the first night and in the morning (after driving 
through neighborhoods dodging still-burning homes, debris, downed trees, downed 
wires, and billowing smoke):



Studio's last minutes (1:30 am):

To those who have offered help: we thank you all! At the moment, we don't need 
anything that we could ask of you, but we do love you all and won't hesitate to 
ask if we think of something. (Besides, here's my philosophy on what I need: )

I'm probably going to go dark on social media for a while, only because there's 
only so many hours in the day and there's a ton to do! So I may not see your 
replies (and no need to reply to this post). Just know that it's been wonderful 
to see that so many friends are out there with concerns and willingness to 
help. We love you all!

And for those of you who know that I manage the OrigamiUSA website: I’ll still 
be doing that. (It will be a welcome break from the minutiae of insurance and 
all the other stuff that now needs doing!) I probably will be lousy at replying 
to personal emails; sorry in advance!

One last note: someone set up a "GoFundMe" for me without asking. It was an 
honest well-wished attempt, but I asked the person to take it down. 
Financially, Diane and I will be fine, so please ignore any such things you 
might see; they won't be authorized (and will probably be used to enrich Kim 
Jong Un.)

Re: [Origami] Wildfires in L.A.

2025-01-09 Thread Robin Bresson via Origami
Wishing you and your family a safe transition into a more permanent home, until 
you are able to address this catastrophic event.  Hearts broken for all of you 
from Connecticut. 

Sent from Binbin

On Thursday, January 9, 2025, 11:35 AM, Robert Lang  

Hi everyone,

As many of you know, there were devastating wildfires in Altadena the last two 
days. Many homes and businesses were burned. Unfortunately, Diane and I lost 
both our home and my studio (and everything that didn't fit in two cars); 
fortunately, we both are safe and sound, as are the dogs and critters. We have 
a place to stay, and are starting TODAY the long process of restoration. (As 
are so many other affected people in Altadena and elsewhere in L.A.)

Here's some video I shot the first night and in the morning (after driving 
through neighborhoods dodging still-burning homes, debris, downed trees, downed 
wires, and billowing smoke):



Studio's last minutes (1:30 am):

To those who have offered help: we thank you all! At the moment, we don't need 
anything that we could ask of you, but we do love you all and won't hesitate to 
ask if we think of something. (Besides, here's my philosophy on what I need: )

I'm probably going to go dark on social media for a while, only because there's 
only so many hours in the day and there's a ton to do! So I may not see your 
replies (and no need to reply to this post). Just know that it's been wonderful 
to see that so many friends are out there with concerns and willingness to 
help. We love you all!

And for those of you who know that I manage the OrigamiUSA website: I’ll still 
be doing that. (It will be a welcome break from the minutiae of insurance and 
all the other stuff that now needs doing!) I probably will be lousy at replying 
to personal emails; sorry in advance!

One last note: someone set up a "GoFundMe" for me without asking. It was an 
honest well-wished attempt, but I asked the person to take it down. 
Financially, Diane and I will be fine, so please ignore any such things you 
might see; they won't be authorized (and will probably be used to enrich Kim 
Jong Un.)

Re: [Origami] Wildfires in L.A.

2025-01-09 Thread wanderer via Origami
Omg Robert. We’re at a loss for words…

Firstly - glad you and family and all are fine

Secondly - thank you for sharing this info and being so open with us about what 
has happened

Loss from Fire is devastating to anyone… but surely it’s a paper folders worst 

We are halfway around the world from you but if there’s any thing to help with, 
plz let us know

Take care and I’m glad y’all have a place to stay… this is really hard to 

I’m very sorry for your loss

India +91-72190-80355 (voice & whatsapp)
pprfldr at gmail dot com

On Jan 9, 2025, at 22:05, Robert Lang  wrote:

Hi everyone,

As many of you know, there were devastating wildfires in Altadena the last two 
days. Many homes and businesses were burned. Unfortunately, Diane and I lost 
both our home and my studio (and everything that didn't fit in two cars); 
fortunately, we both are safe and sound, as are the dogs and critters. We have 
a place to stay, and are starting TODAY the long process of restoration. (As 
are so many other affected people in Altadena and elsewhere in L.A.)

Here's some video I shot the first night and in the morning (after driving 
through neighborhoods dodging still-burning homes, debris, downed trees, downed 
wires, and billowing smoke):



Studio's last minutes (1:30 am):

To those who have offered help: we thank you all! At the moment, we don't need 
anything that we could ask of you, but we do love you all and won't hesitate to 
ask if we think of something. (Besides, here's my philosophy on what I need: )

I'm probably going to go dark on social media for a while, only because there's 
only so many hours in the day and there's a ton to do! So I may not see your 
replies (and no need to reply to this post). Just know that it's been wonderful 
to see that so many friends are out there with concerns and willingness to 
help. We love you all!

And for those of you who know that I manage the OrigamiUSA website: I’ll still 
be doing that. (It will be a welcome break from the minutiae of insurance and 
all the other stuff that now needs doing!) I probably will be lousy at replying 
to personal emails; sorry in advance!

One last note: someone set up a "GoFundMe" for me without asking. It was an 
honest well-wished attempt, but I asked the person to take it down. 
Financially, Diane and I will be fine, so please ignore any such things you 
might see; they won't be authorized (and will probably be used to enrich Kim 
Jong Un.)