yes, we saw a huge delta in performance between 'client' mode and
'server' mode on solaris 8...and it affected everything from memory,
connection latency, and native i/o calls. we always run in server mode

-----Original Message-----
From: Setlur, Atul (MED) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2001 8:07 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Java HotSpot Server VM

Has anyone compared the performance of their application running using
the HotSpot Clinet VM versus the HotSpot Server VM? I would be
interested in knowing if they found a significant variance in the
numbers. Additionally, what VM execution parameters has anyone tweaked
to improve performance?

On the line of performance, is there a reference to performance tuning
for the Orion App Server? Any information would be appreciated.


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