I think your problem lies within your client jndi.properties setup,
specifically your value for java.naming.provider.url.  I believe you must
specifiy this url as:

so you would probably need to replace what you currently have with:


> A strange problem arises when trying to execute a client application (see
> below). Exactly the same error happened when executing the news-client
> sample, after having rebuilt and rejared it using an appropriate
> jndi.properties file at the jar-root level.
> The file dummy.jar contains the home and remote interfaces. The manifest
> classpath points to orion.jar.
> Also interesting is that a web application using the same EJB works just
> fine, using exactly the same ejb-ref notation in its descriptor.
> It may be a newbie or trivial error from my side, but maybe also a bug in
> Orion (I posted another message yesterday and it was solved 6 hours later
> when I made an autoupdate........ ;-)
> Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
> ======== jndi.properties (from client jar file)
> java.naming.factory.initial=com.evermind.server.ApplicationClientI
> nitialCont
> extFactory
> java.naming.provider.url=ormi://
> java.naming.security.principal=admin

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