>From the docs, I gather that you place the library line in server.xml .

I could be wrong, but putting library in an application file would not allow
orion to see it.

        From:  August Linnman[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
        Sent:  Saturday, 9 December 2000 4:45
        To:  Orion-Interest
        Subject:  Lib entry and tools.jar placement

        Hello everybody,

        The need of a java compiler for JSP is probably well known, as well
as the trick to copy the "tools.jar" to the Orion root directory. And
failing to do this results in the following error message:

        Compiler error: Javac not installed, copy tools.jar from your sun
JDK dir's lib dir to the orion dir or add a <library
path="the/path/to/tools.jar" /> and restart

        I would like to try the second alternative, by adding this "library"
element to some XML file, which i assume is config/application.xml. However,
after a lot of trial-and-horror I have not been able to make this technique
working. Anyone knowns of any tricks, or better, can describe the loading
mechanisms involved using the "library" statement. 
        I use Orion 1.3.8 on a Windows NT / Windows 2000 configuration. 

        Best regards


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