Below is an excerpt from an old R. Gmyrken post
concerning the the anti-Samaritan tone of Enochian

"I've been studying these documents this fall, and I think
I can advance David Suter's arguments a little.  It seems
to me that Testament of Levi doesn't merely argue against improper
priestly marriages, but at several points very
specifically marriages with gentiles, and even more
specifically against marriages with Samaritans" [i.e.,
the mortal exemplars of my Watchers! George B.].

"The alleged rape of Dinah by Shemer figures
prominently here as in Jubilees, underscoring the
point.  The historical context of these anti-Samaritan
polemics is unclear, but in Josephus the Jewish
high priest Manasseh was evicted from the Jerusalem
priesthood for marrying the daughter of the Samaritan
Sanballat (II) and subsequently served in the temple
at Mount Gerizim, along with other Jewish priests.
And later the Tobaids, who had Samaritan connections, intermarried with
the Oniad high priestly clan....

"My point in discussing this is that the polemics
in Watchers may not necessarily reflect criticism
of one group of priests serving in the temple
by another, but a criticism of ex-priests or
evicted priests.  I'm not sure how Jewish-Samaritan
polemics bears on Ian's model, or whether MMT reflects
the same polemics as Watchers.  Apples and oranges?"
[End of quotes]

Considering how long ago this post was, I think it
is eerily "on point" about my own suggestions about
the anti-Samaritan tone of the Enochian literature.


George Brooks
Tampa, FL

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