Whether Boccaccini's book is ultimately correct in its conclusions is not
nearly as important as the tremendous
step forward this book represents in trying to comprehend
the significant strands in Jewish religious themes.  In
making this effort, the book provides a set of "diagnostic tools" that
helps us understand much better the rival
factions (and their influences on Jewish literature) that
may have been at work in those ancient days.

Below is Figure 2 "A Map of Middle Judaisms" which I
have converted into a text flow chart.  I found it a VERY
good basis for seeing how various Jewish "camps" or
"schools" may have connected to each other:

[If the chart looks out of kilter, please re-format
your font to a fixed font like COURIER, and it should
look better.]

Figure 2 "A Map of Middle Judaisms"

           ZADOKITE                       ENOCHIC
           JUDAISM                        JUDAISM
              |  \                          |
              |   \                         |
400 BC        |    \                        | 
              |     |_________              |
              |     |         \             |
              |     \       SAMARITANISM    |
              |       \                     |
              |         \                   |
300 BC        |          \                  |
              |           \ HELLENISTIC     |
              |\            JUDAISM         |
              | \         [Ends with 2nd    |
              |   \         Jewish War]     | 
              |     \                       |
              |      \______________       //
200 BC        |       \           \\      //
            SADDUC     PHARIS     ESSENISM
           -EEISM      -AISM        ||      
                        |         Qumran   
                        |         Judaism  
100 BC                  |            ||    
                        |            \\   
0 BCE/CE                |             \\ 
                        |            Jesus
                        |            Movement
                        |               ||
                        |           Christianity
                        |               | 
                        |               |
100 CE                  |               |
                    RABBINIC            |
200 CE


I hope this crude representation helps people
follow Boccaccini's thinking.

I'm going to contemplate a few changes in the
connections... or maybe some additional connections.
For example, I think there is some additional
complexity with competing sects within Samaritanism,
both before and AFTER the advent of Dositheus.
But I have to think about that some more.

George Brooks
Tampa, FL
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