
I think I ran into the following situation:
      * a sync session was suspended on the server because the client
        stopped sending messages
      * in the next sync, the client wanted to start from scratch and
        used "refresh-from-client" mode, not knowing (or caring) that
        the server expected it to resume
      * the server denied the accces with status code 403, which we show
        as "log in succeeded, but server refuses access - contact server

Client and server were both SyncEvolution.

Does this sound plausible? I can try to reproduce it, if necessary.

What is the expected outcome? IMHO, the server should do a

Best Regards, Patrick Ohly

The content of this message is my personal opinion only and although
I am an employee of Intel, the statements I make here in no way
represent Intel's position on the issue, nor am I authorized to speak
on behalf of Intel on this matter.

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