[osg-users] how dose osgautocapture work when in stereo mode

2014-09-19 Thread
dear all, I just want to know, how dose osgautocapture work when in stereo mode, bucause I need the left-eye and right-eye image at the same time. left-eye rendering and right-eye rendering one by one may cuase problem, when the scene meet callbak animatoin. thanks.

[osg-users] quad-buffer stereo mode..... color buffer

2014-05-28 Thread
Dearl all, I have tried to use quad buffer stereo displaying mode, and it successed. Here, I have the problem, I want to save the scene as a picture, especially one left-eye and right-eye. I do not want to render the scene using LEFT_EYE and RIGHT_EYE one by one, sometimes we need interaction.

[osg-users] how to Integrate Qt with OSG

2008-11-30 Thread
Dear ALL, I have been using OSG for not more then two months. I just want to use Qt Interface,using OSG to render the model, like most visualization software, Paraview. But the official example osgViewerQT could not work well. would someone please gave some examples that could

[osg-users] how to get the vertex information of the node

2008-10-08 Thread
Hi everyon. I have a question about the osgDB::ReadNodeFile(); I used that API to read a FLT format model simply, and I could visit the Nodes using NodeVisitor. But now , my question is, can I get some information of some exact Nodes in that model, eg. the