we want to switch between the shadow techniques at runtime. Sadly some shadows doesn't work correct. Would be cool if someone can help me with this.
1. ShadowVolume
It doesn't work in two-pass mode at all. It just displays the shadow volume as a white mesh. screenshot: http://www.swollen-eyeballs.org/zeugs/two_pass.jpg
This is really bad as two-sided only works on newer 3d cards.
Also disabling the stencil shadows doesnt work, we recreate the ShadowedScene node but it seems like ShadowVolume disables the lighting.

2. ShadowMap
ShadowMap sets the ambient value of our light to zero and it doesn't even restore it when calling cleanScenegraph. I think it would be better if ShadowMap copies the ambient value of the light to the ambient uniform used in the fragment shader and later on cleanScenegraph copy it back to the light. (This should also be done in SoftShadowMap)

3. SoftShadowMap
I think i've found a bug there. ShadowMap creates a white dummy base texture so you can use shadows in a scene that has both objects with and without textures. SoftShadowMap doesn't do this.

4. ShadowTexture
We cant get this to work at all. Is there anything specific we must consider?

Christopher Bläsius

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