Hi all

I have a strange problem I cannot solve. I use OpenSceneGraph 3.2.1, osgEarth 
2.6 and Equalizer (parallel rendering framework).

When I load a sample osgEarth file, I should have a sky and the earth. But I 
only get one of these, depending on how I set the depth buffer and culling 

I can for example set
on the osg camera, then I can get the earth model when I enable the logarithmic 
buffer from osgEarth with
osgEarth::Util::LogarithmicDepthBuffer logDepth;

When i don't enable this log buffer, I get the sky, a simple sky model from 
osgEarth, but it flickers (black and the sky), and it shows when I use the 
mouse to move around. (osgViewer)

When I don't set the DO_NOT_COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR, I always get a black screen 
(black because I disabled GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, otherwise would be the osg blue).

I also tried to set near far planes to 0.1, 100 or 0.1, 100000, but also with 
no result.

I know I could ask this also in osgEarth forums, but I think it's something I 
have to set on the osg camera, view or somwhere there, as it is more related to 
OSG and Equalizer.

What could I do to resolve this? And on what all is it depending? Buffers, 
Culling, Frustum etc?

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