Hi all,


I am working on a simulator visualisation using OSG. This visualisation
has some minor bugs producing an exception when loading a TEXTURED .obj
File OUTSIDE the osgviewer's field of view.

My problem seems to be a matter of thread-safety, because with
osgviewer's threading model set to SingleThread, no problems appear. 

To the functionality of the visualisation, I derived an object from
osg::MatrixTransform called VisObject and added some functionalities
like an memorybuffer for the object data (pos, orient., scale, filename
of 3d model, etc) as the information for the visualisation objects comes
over Ethernet as a bytestream. The VisObject has one child, the object
to be drawn e.g. an 3d model. The update of the position etc is handled
by an update callback hooked on the rootnode. With untextured 3D models
or basic primitives like boxes, everything works fine, the exception
anly occurs while loading the textures in the moment, the 3d model comes
into sight. The same VisObject, statically added to the scene
unfortunately produces no problem :-( so the error must be in my
concept. Is there anything to consider with reference to thread safety
besides not changing the scenegraph during cull and draw traversals?


Used OSG Version 2.4

Microsoft VS8 Windows XP SP2.


Thanks for any advice or help,



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