
I'm having some trouble getting .dae files to load in a program I've been 
writing in VS2013.

The OpenSceneGraph .dae plugin actually builds and has been building without 
hitch for a while now-- however, it does nothing (when loading a .dae file I am 
given the generic error which I wrote into my program). I have checked my CMAKE 
configuration and all fields related to COLLADA are pointing to the correct 
places. So, I decided to peel a bit further back and go back to getting COLLADA 
itself to build on the computer, as this is part of what is advised on the 
OpenSceneGraph website. 

I switched to working on building the COLLADA DOM library, v2.2. Their package 
provides solution files for Visual Studio up to v2010, so I did some digging 
around and was working on getting a running solution going in VS2013: got all 
the requisite dependencies built in 2013, updated the links, etc...however, 
could not get a solution to build. I also couldn't find much reference to other 
folks having done so; perhaps this is not necessary. So I set up VS2010 and 
built COLLADA as it came with, as predicted, no problems, and re-adjusted OSG's 
CMAKE configuration to point to this build, instead-- this still does not work, 
which I was not expecting it to as my understanding the libraries being used 
should be built using the same toolchains for both OSG and the program being 

I've increased the verbosity of debugging messages, but haven't been able to 
follow them to anything useful. It could just be that I've done something else 
wrong somewhere else, but I was wondering if any of you had any pointers on 
Collada with OSG in VS2013.

Thank you!


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