Hi all

   I have created my company named CGDS (Computer Graphics Development
Service) in September 2007.
   Since this date, I work for Robert Osfield on OpenSceneGraph and
VirtualPlaneteBuilder. Like a mentor,
   Robert help me to launch my professional activity and advise me in
several task that he give me.
   Among other things, I update Delta3D from OSG 1.2 to OSG 2.x (main task
is change Producer to osgViewer),
   integrated in OSG existing code to create 3D text, improve shapefile
loader in OSG, ...

   The time has come for me to found client without Robert's help.
   So, like is write in the subject of this mail, I look for contractor job.

   I am based on Paris, France.
   I am available now.
   You can contact me here : callu.david 'at' gmail 'dot' com

   David Callu
osg-users mailing list

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