
those of you who hang out on the Delta3D forums already know this, but this 
should be of interest here, too:

I am working on an entity system on top of Delta3D and OpenSceneGraph. An 
entity system is a pure component approach to gameplay systems - no actor 
objects, each game actor is composed of a number of components. You can read 
more about the approach here: 

I have worked on the dtEntity project for a few months now and would like to 
share it with a larger audience.  Currently I have implemented:

* The basic entity system with a few OSG related components, wrapping osg Nodes 
and their relationships
* A map system for loading and saving scenes to multiple maps
* A Qt sandbox editor for editing component properties and placing them in the 
scene. Editors can be configured on a per-property basis, arrays of properties 
are possible. Usable but still needs a lot of work
* A hierarchical spawner system, like a template for spawning entitites
* A debug draw manager for quickly drawing lines, text, geometry - this could 
be interesting even if you don't care about the rest
* A scripting system using Google V8 JavaScript
* Plugin system for loading component types and editor tools

Of course everything is still pretty rough around the edges, but if you are 
interested you can check out the documentation page:


And you can download a (not very impressive) demo package here:

I would love to have feedback on this. DtEntity is under the LGPL license, and 
contributions are of course welcome!


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