On Jan 16, 2008 1:16 AM, Charles Han <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What i have done so far is to create a myCameraPreDrawCallback which extends
> from Drawcallback. In this class i override the operator to create a
> GLObjectsVisitor. Also, when the callback is constructed i keep a reference
> to the sub graph and then in the call back operator i let the sub graph
> accepts the visitor.
> I am not sure this is a right approach but i am puzzled with one thing is
> how do you know the sub graph is complied and how to remove the call back?

You shouldn't need a reference to the subgraph, as the
DrawCallback::operator(..) takes the Camera that it's assigned to, and
the Camera contains the scene graph, and the Camera being just a Node.
 In fact it takes less words in code...

struct CompileCallback : public osg::Camera::DrawCallback
    virtual void operator() (const osg::Camera& camera)
         osgUtil::GLObjectVisitor gov;

> Also, where should i get the camera from? is this just a camera i create or
> i should get from the viewer?

viewer.getCamera()->setDrawCallback(new CompileCallback);
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