I tried to build OSG from OpenSceneGraph-2.6.1.zip with MInGW-5.1.4 and 
CodeBlocksI downloaded libraries from gnuwin32 and installed themWhen i ran 
CMake, there was warnings likeĀ  -- Warning Debug JPEG not found, using 
D:/libs/GnuWin32/lib/libjpeg.dll.aI ignored them and built OSG.I got 
mingw_osgdb_jpeg.dll in directory osgPlugins-2-6-1but when i tried to run 
osgplanets.exe, it saidĀ  Could not find plugin to read objects from file 
"SolarSystem ....I tried to search previous threads and found similar problem, 
but it was built using VS 
 there anything I did wrong ?Thanks for any helpsBest regards,Chandra

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