Hi Zhujun,

You'll need to implement accept(PrimtiveFunctor&) and
supports(PrimitiveFunctor&) methods so that it passes back the
internal geometry.  The PrimtiveFunctor has OpenGL like mathods for
specifying the vertex and primitive data so you should be able to work
out how to map your OpenGL code to work with the PrimitiveFunctor.

The other route is to simply move the code across to use osg::Geometry.


On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 7:16 PM, playzj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi All,
>        I have created an openGL objects (e.g., osgteapot example) and add it
> into my osgScene. Alhough I can use osgpick to pick up  osg models, I cannot
> pick up the openGL objects.  who tell me how to pick up openGL objects in
> osg scene? Can openGL objects be directly pick up?
>        thank you in advance!
> zhujun
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