Hi all:
 We met one tough osg performance problem recently when we upgrade our 
osgEarth+gdal to the latest version.
 To simplify my statement, I will only describe the outline of our main work:
 void main()
 osg::ref_ptr<osgViewer::Viewer> viewer = new osgViewer::Viewer;
 osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> node = osgDB::readNodeFile("myEarth.earth");
 We use osgEarth to read a .earth file and show a globe, everything went well 
on the old version(osgEarth-2.1.0+gdal-1.8.1), it was very smooth to zoom in 
and out.
 However, after we upgraded the osgEarth and gdal to the new version 
(osgEarth-2.2.0+gdal-1.9.1), the process of loading data became very slow, so 
we did some 
 investigations on the myEarth.earth file(I have attached this file):
    <heightfield name="terrain" driver="gdal">
 We found if we annotate this parameter, our app will be as smooth as the old 
version. So we suspect there are some performance issue of gdal loading height 
field data.
 Then we restored the gdal to old version(gdal-1.8), however this issue is 
still there for the current combination(osgEarth-2.2.0+gdal-1.8.1).
 It seems the problem is on the gdal's driver of osgEarth2.2, we spent a lot of 
time to locate this problem but not too much found.
 We are eager to known the why this happened and how to solve this issue, if 
you have any idea or suggestion, please let us known.
 Thanks a lot and Best Regards.

Attachment: myEarth.earth
Description: Binary data

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