I’m trying to do some multi texture blending and I’m getting an OpenGL “invalid 
value” error for some reason that I can’t figure out. I’ve tracked it down to 
if I set the GL_RGB_SCALE_ARB parameter (via the 
osg::TexEnvCombine::setScale_RGB function) to anything other than 1.0 then the 
RenderStage::drawInner() function will print the error message: 

Warning: detected OpenGL error ‘invalid value’ after RenderBin::draw()  

Any idea why this would happen?

The funny thing is that it seems to render fine – modifying the rgb scale has 
the desired effect of brightening or darkening the two textures that I’m 
blending via modulate, but I’m just wondering if that error is something I 
should worry about.



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