
here is the topic terry send me some days ago, i didn't yet found the time
to review it, may in the mean time some has time to
check it out, and the we can submiss it.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Terry Welsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 18.10.2007 23:04
Subject: pssm fix
To: Adrian Egli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hey Adrian,
I was playing with your shadow code a bit.  Things look much better on
NVidia if you do two things:

1.  Use factor = 1.1 and units = 4.0

2.  Comment all of this out of the shader:
//        sstr << "        vec4 random"    <<    i    <<" =
   <<    (i+1)    <<"].st); "    << std::endl;
//        sstr << "        float shadow1"    <<    i    <<" =
shadow2DProj( shadowTexture"    <<    i    <<",gl_TexCoord["    <<
(i+1)    <<"]+random"    <<    i    <<".r*vec4(-1,-1,0,0)).r;"    <<
//        sstr << "        float shadow2"    <<    i    <<" =
shadow2DProj( shadowTexture"    <<    i    <<",gl_TexCoord["    <<
(i+1)    <<"]+random"    <<    i    <<".g*vec4(1,-1,0,0)).r;"    <<
//        sstr << "        float shadow3"    <<    i    <<" =
shadow2DProj( shadowTexture"    <<    i    <<",gl_TexCoord["    <<
(i+1)    <<"]+random"    <<    i    <<".b*vec4(1,1,0,0)).r;"    <<
//        sstr << "        float shadow4"    <<    i    <<" =
shadow2DProj( shadowTexture"    <<    i    <<",gl_TexCoord["    <<
(i+1)    <<"]+random"    <<    i    <<".a*vec4(-1,1,0,0)).r;"    <<
//        sstr << "        shadow"    <<    i    <<" = shadow"    <<
i    <<" + shadow1"    <<    i    <<" + shadow2"    <<    i    <<" +
shadow3"    <<    i    <<" + shadow4"    <<    i    <<";"    <<
//        sstr << "        shadow"    <<    i    <<" = shadow"    <<
i    <<"*0.2;"    << std::endl;

Terry Welsh - mogumbo 'at' gmail.com
www.reallyslick.com  |  www.mogumbo.com

Adrian Egli
osg-users mailing list

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