Sukender wrote on 2012-10-31: 
> Hi all,
> Here is a problem to solve : how can you highlight surfaces where
> didn't load properly (missing file, read error...)?
> My first answer was to create a ReadFileCallback, and make readImage()
> encapsulate "default" call. If call fails, then I return a "dummy"
image (1x1
> pixel, flashy color, such as magenta).
> However this doesn't work, as readers may call readImageFile()
> times. Ex:
>   image = readImageFile(path1);
>   if (!image) readImageFile(path2);
>   if (!image) etc...
> In my case, readImageFile(path1) returns either the normal image, or
> dummy one (path2 is never tested).
> I propose to add some stuff to allow a ReadFileCallback to know a bit
> about where the caller is. I'd like to know if you have any idea...
Here are
> mine :
>   1. In all readers, call readImageFile("") in the last case (or
another method
> such as "Registry::readImageFileFailed()"), so that ReadFileCallback
knows all
> other calls failed. Just ugly, I think.
>   2. In all readers, add something in the osgDB::Options structure in
>   their last call, for the same purpose. Ugly too. 3. Change
>   readImageFile() / ReadFileCallback to pass an additional parameter.
>   Very ulgy! 4. In all readers, add a ValueObject (or something else)
>   record the fact
> loading failed. This would allow post-load code to detect this info.
> As you can see, I got no "clean" idea. Please help !

It seems better to just write your own visitor to traverse the
scenegraph after loading to find the images that didn't load.

Hope this helps,
Bryan Thrall
Principal Software Engineer
FlightSafety International

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