I just submitted this code over on submissions for Robert to consider, but 
since there's
some opportunity for discussion of the future of this, I'm reposting the 
description here for discussion.

  This pseudo-loader permits on-the-fly modifications of a PagedLOD database's 
heightfield's elevation values during load or save operations by simply 
appending the
.modifyterrain suffix to the database filename and setting some ReaderWriter 
Options like
"MODIFYTERRAIN_ELEV_ADD". These can be specified through the command-line 
osgViewer like:

osgviewer -O "MODIFYTERRAIN_ELEV_ADD 5" terrain.osg.modifyterrain

  Currently the sample code permits adding a positive or negative constant 
value, scaling,
enforcing a maximum or minimum clamp (ceiling/floor), replacement of a known 
value with another known constant value, as well as replacing all values below 
a constant
with a potentially different constant.

  The underlying code is equipped to do non-spatially uniform terrain elevation
modification (similar to osg::TDS) through the use of generalized visitors and 
offering point-elevation-evaluation callbacks. The callback provides the 
current spatial
point location and elevation and allows user code to return a new elevation 
value that
will replace the heightfield's existing elevation at that point.

  No spatial-feature-deformation library (for raising/lowering regional 
features like
lakes, building sites, roads, ordinance craters, etc) is included at this 
point. My client
isn't able to release this work yet, but may be able to in the future. This 
framework is
designed so that any API capable of answering "what elevation should be in 
effect at this
X/Y position" can be plugged in by deriving from the ModifyTerrainFunctor class,
constructing a ModifyTerrainVisitor with it, and apply()ing it to a scenegraph.

  A CMakeLists.txt is included. ReaderWriterMODIFYTERRAIN.cpp replies on some 
of the
PagedLOD/ProxyNode suffix enhancements I have already submitted in order to 
propagate the
psuedoloader suffix through child PagedLODs and ProxyNodes so that deeper 
levels of the
scenegraph get the modify treatment as they are loaded.

  While this code is finished and working, it could use a bit of cut & paste 
before being
checked in as-is. Much of the code within the ReaderWriterMODIFYTERRAIN.cpp 
file should be
(I feel, without arrogance) incorporated into the broader osg/osgTerrain 
architecture. The
three classes/APIs: ModifyTerrainFunctor, ModifyTerrainHeightField and
ModifyTerrainVisitor are applicable to in-scenegraph modification of 
VPB/PagedLOD terrain
whether it is done through the .modifyterrain pseudoloader or through
user-application-invoked code. Additionally the ModifyDatabaseSuffixVisitor is 
applicable to any application of the pseudoloader technique in a database 
PagedLOD or ProxyNode entities -- this class could be placed into any convenient
library/namespace -- osgDB suggests itself to me. The code for each of these is 
marked in
the comments with a <<<>>> token and an explanation of where it might go in the 
osg Core
code if it were broken out of .modifyterrain.

  This is just the tip of what I'm working on as far as terrain tools, but it's 
all I can
release right now. It has already been tested pretty thoroughly, and can do 
some great
things. The pseudoloader technique means that you can apply these terrain 
modifications at
numerous different stages: During loading of a scenegraph in osgViewer, using 
-O to pass
the modification parameters. While building the scenegraph within OSGDEM/VPB. 
converting a scenegraph using osgconv (see my recent recursive-conversion 
The pseudoloader also abstracts away any file-format dependency -- you can use 
pseudoloader atop any format plugin that can load and save PagedLOD databases 
made of
osgTerrain/heightfield geometry. Currently this is just .osg and .IVE.

  Moving the ModifyTerrainFunctor, ModifyTerrainHeightField and 
classes out of .modifyterrain should allow any osg program to perform 
on-the-fly elevation
modifications to the terrain even after it is loaded.

  I have some additional work in progress that would facilitate selectively 
PagedLOD nodes to reload their already-loaded-and-displayed children 
(presumably through
the pseudoloader layer) so that runtime dynamic terrain alterations (think, 
craters) can easily be performed on the database without affecting the pristine 
copy. Alternately, this could be used to load permanently-updated copies of the 
model that had been built by VPB (patching the database to include 
newly-incorporated but
permanent modifications such as data updated from UAVs, etc). I intend to 
submit as much
of this as I can as time and client allows.

  Essentially, there's an enormous amount of terrain technology I can provide 
to OSG in
the near future, as my client allows me to release it. I'd love to hear 
feedback from
others about where you'd like to see this go.

Chris 'Xenon' Hanson, omo sanza lettere                  Xenon AlphaPixel.com
PixelSense Landsat processing now available! http://www.alphapixel.com/demos/
"There is no Truth. There is only Perception. To Perceive is to Exist." - Xen
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