Christian Buchner wrote on 2012-09-13: 
>> How would I use the object's own geometry of the object as the
> hot spot?
> I've been trying to implement a geode called DraggableCylinder which
> inherits from the dragger. And I want this geode to also implement the
> constrain() and receive() functions from osgManipulator::Constraint
> and osgManipulator::DraggerCallback.
> My class declaration (inheritance) now looks like this
> class DraggableCylinder : public My2DDragger, private
> osgManipulator::DraggerCallback, private osgManipulator::Constraint {
> Now I ran into the problem that the  DraggableCylinder inherits three
> ref() functions from several osg::Object base classes. Is there any
> way to resolve this ambiguity easily? ;-) Like providing one
> definitive overload of ref()/unref() that calls into the ref()/unref()
> functions of the inherited osg::Objects... I realize that this is more
> of a C++ question, but maybe someone has solved this issue previously?

This is known as the diamond problem, and can be solved by virtual
inheritance (

class DraggableCylinder: public virtual My2DDragger, private virtual
osgManipulator::DraggerCallback, private virtual
osgManipulator::Constraint {};

Hope this helps!
Bryan Thrall
Principal Software Engineer
FlightSafety International

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