hi osg-users,

it came to my attention at the recent paris user's group meeting that  
some were not aware that there is a series of osg reference manuals  
available for those who like printed documentation. we also produce  
pretty nice hyperlinked pdfs which really add a lot to understanding  
how all the pieces of osg fit together. that itself is pretty useful,  
but paul and i have done more to make these books better than just a  

paul martz and i, co-editors on the reference manual series, have done  
extensive editing of the reference pages generated by doxygen and also  
created some useful introductory and specialized topics on  
transitioning from osg 1.x to 2.x, in the front of each of the  
reference manuals. the most recent version, for example, includes a  
nice chapter on all the current 2.X environment variables that can be  
used to customize osg apps when they launch.

so, if you're interested in some printed documentation on osg, and  
more to come (we're working on the 2.4 manual now!), please check out  
our books:



bob kuehne
founder and ceo - blue newt software
www.blue-newt.com    734/834-2696

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