I'm using the latest osgExp version and I see a problem in user properties. Try 
the following:
- create a sphere
- add some user properties to it
- export it with default settings: everything should be fine
- export it tagging the "Flatten Static Transform" on: the properties don't 
show up.

I guess this is due to the fact that the flatter optimization removes some of 
the transforms. I think this is a problem because that option is heavily used 
to optimize exports and I would say the exporter should be able to maintain the 
user properties in some way, at least when - like in this case - there is not a 
complex hierarchy.
Do you see any chance in solving that?

Also, I have no idea if Max supports that, but is there a way to have user 
properties on materials rather than on geom and transform nodes? That would 
allow to set useful info about the shaders to build for each stateset.



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