Hi all,

I wanted to hand-edit osgt files. It is nightmare to do it without "code-
folding" and text highlighting. Thus, I created highlight definition file for 
kate editor (attached). Especially, code folding is very very helpful to edit 
and analyse any osgt file.

For those interested:
To install it, place osgt.xml to appropriate folder. On my Kubuntu 13.04, the 
correct place is:


Restart of kate might be necessary afterwards.
To check the successful installation, look in Menu -> Tools -> Highlighting -> 
Markup and you should see OpenSceneGraph option. Now, any osgt file opened 
should contain code folding and highlighting support. One interesting thing - 
I tried to edit few hundred megabyte file with hundreds of thousands of nodes 
and I got frozen kate for one minute on the first code folding click. But after 
one minute it got back again. The rest of editing was very fast.

The file provides just very basic things, but already very helpful. Feel free 
to improve it and to provide us with updated version.


Attachment: osgt.xml
Description: XML document

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