
I have combined the example programs osgcamera and osgpick. 
Added picking to osgcamera.  For OSG 2.2.

I use the singleWindowMultipleCamera  ( argument -1 ).

When I print the ea.getX() and ea.getY() values in the
PickHandler::pick() method for mouse PUSH and RELEASE events I get
different result depending on the movent before the event.

If the mouse hasn't moved over one of the camera areas the coords are in
the range -1..1 and relative to the window. 

If the mouse has moved over a camera area I get coords with values
They look to be relative to the camera viewport, when I click just
outside a viewport I get the values -1 and 1 .

How can I get event coords that are relative to the window?

The methods getXnormalized() and getYnormalized() return the same values
as getX() and getY().

Mario Veraart

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