Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Shader from Rendermonkey : Collada plugin

2009-10-08 Thread Roland Smeenk
Hi Andrea,

only effects with profile_COMMON are currently supported in the Collada 
reader/writer. The profile_GLSL will be ignored and will result in the warning 
you mentioned. Heinrich Fink did implement GLSL support in an older 
OpenSceneGraph version, but those modifications were never merged with the 
current Collada loader in the SVN. His source code was later modified by 
AMD/ATI to improve the support specifically aimed at handling RenderMonkey 
output. The source code for their modification is available at their website. 
I've looked at merging their changes with the current Collada loader, but the 
source code has drifted apart too far for a quick merge.

kind regards,

Roland Smeenk

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Re: [osg-users] [osgPlugins] Shader from Rendermonkey : Collada plugin

2009-10-07 Thread Andrea Martini

i'm sorry  the second question in the post above was my typing error in the 
project properties (i have written .dll instead .lib). 
So i can compile plugin DAE correctly with openscenegraph 2.8.2.
But i get the same warning message of 2.8.0 :

unsupported effect profile profile_GLSL.

when i load a dae file (created with rendermonkey) in osgviewer.

Thank you!


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[osg-users] [osgPlugins] Shader from Rendermonkey : Collada plugin

2009-10-06 Thread Andrea Martini

i have "Only" 2 questions ... about shaders!
I would like to use shaders created with rendermonkey  1.81 and exported as 
collada 1.4.1. I'm using OpenScenegraph 2.8.0 and 2.8.2. 

First question:
Using  Osg 2.8.0
I run viewer.exe with myfile.dae (a specular bump effect with teapot as model). 
The result is a black teapot with some red effect. On the console system 
reports "unsupported effect profile profile_GLSL"! 
What does it mean? What is the solution? Where i can find supported and 
unsupported effect?
(I have an NVIDIA QUADRO FX 4600, and rendermonkey render my teapot correctly!)

Second question:
Using Osg2.8.2

I have download the collada package and i have compiled the vc8 dom 1.4 
solution correctly (release and debug). With CMAKE i get the new openscenegraph 
solution with DAE plugin. But ... when i compile openscenegraph solution, in 
the linking phase, compiler says :

dom\build\vc8-1.4-d\libcollada14dom21-d.dll : fatal error LNK1107: file damaged 
or not valid!

What is wrong?

Thank you!


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