
Recently we've implemented a model of a building with moving doors by adding 
osgSim::DOFTransform nodes for the doors (the geometry added as child of the 
DOFTransform). While this works quite well, there's an issue I've had with 
enabling the animation to open the door.

When setAnimationOn(true) is called, the node is set such that is will be 
visited by the UpdateVisitor. On the first pass through DOFTransform::traverse 
the delta time is calculated from _previousTime and the timestamp in the 
UpdateVisitor. However, _previousTime has never been set before, which means 
that the first frame of animation is erratic. For the doors this behavior is 
not acceptable, and I feel that this should be fixed in OSG.

I've made a quick fix by checking the _previousTraversalNumber and if it's set 
to -1 then the DOFTransform::animate function isn't called, only the 
_previousTime and _previousTraversalNumber are updated. On the second animated 
frame the delta time is then correctly calculated. (when calling 
setAnimationOn(false) I now reset _previousTraversalNumber to -1).

Is this issue recognized as an issue by other people so that I should make a 
proper fix and submit it, or am I missing something which would enable the 
proper behavior of the doors?

Thank you!

Kind regards,

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