I used Render To Texture in an algorithm of reflection, It works very well on  
GeForce 8800 GTS/PCI/SSE2 from NVIDIA Corporation but doesn't have any 
reflection effect on a GeForce4 MX 440/AGP/SSE2 from NVIDIA Corporation.
I use"setRenderTargetImplementation(CameraNode::FRAME_BUFFER_OBJECT)  and 
of osg1.2, and the notification on the later machine(GeForce4 MX 440/AGP/SSE2 
from NVIDIA ) say "Failed to aquire Graphics Context" "Setting up 
osg::CameraNode::FRAME_BUFFER", I think the reason is that it don't support 
FBO, and the maincamera render to FRAME_BUFFER, overriding the render of render 
to texture camera(rttcamera), am I right, if so, how can I make the 
pre_rendered data of rttcamera be avoid overriding? How does the data of render 
to texture flows on the machines support FBO and thoes don't support FBO, is 
there any information I can learn?

Thanks very much!

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