Hi all, 

Firstly, I am not too familiar with osg, so my terminology may be wrong.

Let me outline what I am trying to achieve first before I go into my question. 
I am trying to allow Qt's touch events to be able to manipulate the 

osg scene to perform transformations such as rotation of the 3d object and 
zooming. If you think this is impossible with osg let me know, 

otherwise lets discuss how to use QEvent's such as TouchBegin and TouchUpdate 
to manipulate the scene.

I have worked in Qt before and have created an image viewer that allows me to 
manipulate a image using my multi-touch table to zoom and rotate so 

I know Qt 4.7 and onward supports multi-touch input into various widgets. In Qt 
I was mainly using a QGraphicsView to listen for events and 

performing manipulations on a "scene (a jpg image)" in this class.

Now I want to take it from manipulating a 2d flat jpg image to manipulating a 
3d object (scene?) which will eventually be a map using OsgEarth. 

For now I have followed the guide in OpenSceneGraph Cookbook 3, chapter 9 
"Integrating OSG with Qt" and have a cow being displayed using a QWidget 

and GraphicsWindowQt. 

I'm not sure where the QEvents that perform the manipulation on my cow.osg go 
in this example. I tried overrided event(QEvent *) in my 

ViewerWidget : QWidget but don't get any mouse input events so this is 
obviously the wrong class. 

Can anybody tell me which class I need to subclass to get access to the event's 
that are manipulating the scene, in this case the cow.osg node? 

Also has anybody else tried to use osgQt with touch events? I'm just assuming 
this is supported since it has been in Qt since 4.7.

Kind Regards,
Mitch Doran.

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