Thanks, Peter. That could actually be useful in some cases.

I guess what I’m really looking for right now though is a way to inject a 
lambda function.

I suppose what I could do it have a 2-step configuration: the first step would 
have constant configuration values being read as per usual via the 
Configurator, and my lambdas provided from a Java class (or perhaps parsed from 
a configuration file if I can find a way to do that). Then for the second step 
the two could be combined, put into a Dictionary, and the actual service would 
be instantiated based on the combined constant+lambda configuration.

I would ideally like to keep the constants and the lambdas together in a 
configuration file, but maybe that is just not possible right now.

In any case, this sounds very frameworky to me, so I was hoping that something 
like this already exists…


> On Jul 15, 2018, at 1:01, Peter Kriens <> wrote:
> The v2Archive OSGi enRoute has a Configurer that uses a subset of the bnd 
> Macro language. This supports ${system;..} and ${system_allow_fail}. These 
> take shell command lines.
> P
>> On 14 Jul 2018, at 09:07, David Leangen via osgi-dev < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Thanks, BJ.
>> Yeah, right now I am using a Dictionary exactly how you mentioned, but I am 
>> wondering if there is a way to maintain it the same way I do as for my 
>> configurations.
>> Has there ever been a discussion about possibly including this type of thing 
>> in the spec? For instance, a spec could include a script (saved in a 
>> configuration file), and the script could be parsed and included in a 
>> Configuration.
>> Has nobody ever encountered this use case? If you have, how did you solve it?
>> Cheers,
>> =David
>>> On Jul 14, 2018, at 5:04, BJ Hargrave < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Component properties are basically service properties which are basically 
>>> meant to be things that can go in a Configuration: 
>>> <>.
>>>  Complex objects including objects implementing functional interfaces are 
>>> not in scope for a Configuration.
>>> That said, I imagine you could pass any value object in the Dictionary 
>>> supplied to ComponentFactory.newInstance since they are not stored in 
>>> Configuration Admin and SCR would not police the value object types :-)
>>> --
>>> BJ Hargrave
>>> Senior Technical Staff Member, IBM // office: +1 386 848 1781
>>> OSGi Fellow and CTO of the OSGi Alliance // mobile: +1 386 848 3788
>>> <>
>>> ----- Original message -----
>>> From: David Leangen via osgi-dev < 
>>> <>>
>>> Sent by: 
>>> <>
>>> To: David Leangen via osgi-dev < 
>>> <>>
>>> Cc:
>>> Subject: [osgi-dev] Functions as configuration
>>> Date: Fri, Jul 13, 2018 3:32 PM
>>> Hi!
>>> Is there any way to include functions as part of a component configuration?
>>> Cheers,
>>> =David
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