
I am having a very intermittent issue with getService on a prototype
component. This is called hundreds of times and I put a breakpoint a few
weeks ago and have now gotten the error.

I have this class:
property= org.osgi.framework.Constants.SERVICE_RANKING + ":Integer=10"
public final class BaValidationManagerExt implements ValidationManagerExt {
private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());

@Reference(scope = ReferenceScope.PROTOTYPE_REQUIRED)
private ComponentServiceObjects<Validator> validatorFactory;

private void activate() {
log.trace("Activating {}/{}", getClass(), System.identityHashCode(this));

private void deactivate() {
log.trace("Deactivating {}/{}", getClass(), System.identityHashCode(this));
public Diagnostic getDiagnosticForEObject(EObject eObj) {
log.trace("Getting diagnostic for {}", eObj); //$NON-NLS-1$
Validator validator = validatorFactory.getService();

if (validator != null) {
try {
return validator.runValidation(false, Collections.singletonMap(eObj, new
new NullProgressMonitor()).getB();
finally {
else {
log.error("Validator Service not found for {}", eObj, new Throwable());
return Diagnostic.CANCEL_INSTANCE;

and the validator:
scope = ServiceScope.PROTOTYPE,
property= org.osgi.framework.Constants.SERVICE_RANKING + ":Integer=10"
public final class BaValidator implements Validator {
private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());

private Map<EObject, Set<EObject>> elementsToValidate;
private Set<EObject> validated = Sets.newHashSet();
private boolean batch;

private EditingDomain domain;
private AdapterFactory adapterFactory;

private volatile List<ValidationProvider> validationProviders;  //NOSONAR
as per OSGi

private ValidationUtils validationUtils;

private void activate() {
log.trace("Activating {}/{}", getClass(), System.identityHashCode(this));

private void deactivate() {
log.trace("Deactivating {}/{}", getClass(), System.identityHashCode(this));

The error is on the highlighted line, which happens since getService
returns null.

As can be seen here, ValidatorFactory serviceObjects is null which seems to
be what makes it return null:
ComponentServiceObjectsImpl [instances=[], serviceObjects=null,
deactivated=false, hashCode=301166435]

I am not seeing any special in the logs (tracing is on). Just before I see
a number of successful call to the same code with the last one being:
just before in the logs:
08:00:45.854 [Worker-1: Create Diagram] TRACE c.c.i.v.b.p.BaValidator -
Activating class
08:00:45.857 [Worker-1: Create Diagram] TRACE c.c.i.v.b.p.BaValidator -
Notify 4 listeners with diagnostics ([Diagnostic OK
source=com.castortech.iris.ba.validation code=0
08:00:45.858 [Worker-1: Create Diagram] TRACE c.c.i.v.b.p.BaValidator -
Deactivating class

Has anyone seen this before or can provide some pointers to address and/or
debug this.

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