"Last year alone, he added, Iran funneled $9 million through Hizbollah
to the Israeli-occupied territories to support terror operations." 


Posted 07/11/05 07:34  

Israel Braces for Expanded Hizbollah Network
Tracks Maritime Buys, Links With Palestinian Terror Groups


Israel is girding against a potential deep-sea infiltration and other
new types of increasingly sophisticated attacks by Iranian-backed
Hizbollah cells capable of operating well beyond the Islamic Shiite
organization�s Lebanese home turf.

In addition to ambush and attempted kidnapping operations along the
Israeli-Lebanese border � the latest of which occurred June 30 in the
disputed area known in Israel as Shebaa Farms � Hizbollah is expanding
into the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and even into Israel, where
citizens are recruited for terror activities, defense officials and
counterterrorism experts here said.

And while Hizbollah managed to surprise Israel during the past year
with two embarrassing unmanned overflights of its northern areas,
officials here say they are closely monitoring the organization�s
expanding procurement and training networks to minimize chances of
again being hoodwinked by the introduction of new methods and means of

�For some time, we�ve been following their interest in attacking from
the sea. At the same time, we�ve enhanced all appropriate measures to
deny them success,� said Amos Malka, a retired major general and
former director of Israeli military intelligence.

Security officials here confirmed that Israel has begun work on a
kilometer-long undersea anti-infiltration barrier along its coastal
border with the Gaza Strip. The project, first reported in mid-June
editions of the Jerusalem Post, includes a roughly 200-meter-long
concrete wall secured into the seabed north of the Strip, while
another 800 meters or so will involve a tethered wire fence.

Rohan Gunaratna, head of the International Center for Political
Violence and Terrorism Research at Singapore�s Nanyang Technological
University, said Hizbollah has developed an extensive procurement
network outside of the Middle East, particularly in Canada.

�What they don�t get directly from Iran or Syria, they buy with
Iranian money,� said Gunaratna, a visiting lecturer at the Herzliya,
Israel-based Institute for CounterTerrorism. �Recently their focus has
been on maritime equipment, scuba gear, speedboats and closed-circuit
communications systems [for underwater operations].�

In a July 4 exchange, Maj. Gen. Dan Harel, commander of Israel�s
Southern Command, said he expected Hizbollah operatives working with
local Palestinian terror groups to try to incite violence and
otherwise take advantage of Israel�s planned withdrawal from the Gaza
Strip, scheduled to begin in August.

�They�ve made a few attempts to infiltrate [agents and weaponry] from
the sea. Don�t forget the role they played in Karine A,� Harel said,
referring to Israel�s January 2001 high-seas seizure of a weapon-laden
ship destined for the Palestine Authority.

Israel, the United States and numerous international counterterrorism
authorities have accused Hizbollah agents in Lebanon of brokering the
Karine A smuggling deal between senior aides to then-Palestinian
leader Yassir Arafat and Iran. The original plan called for more than
50 tons of Iranian arms and munitions to be delivered off the Gaza
coast via dozens of specially designed Iranian containers that floated
one meter below the water�s surface.

Expanding Footprint

Perhaps more worrisome than Hizbollah�s expanding presence in the Gaza
Strip, security officials and experts here say, is the Lebanese
organization�s intensifying efforts to derail diplomatic progress
between Israel and the Palestinian government of Mahmoud Abbas, also
known as Abu Mazen. An Israeli intelligence official said June 27 that
Abbas has complained to Tel Aviv about Hizbollah�s repeated attempts
to undermine the Palestine Authority through financial and operative
support not only to rival Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other Palestinian
factions, but to Abbas� own Fatah organization.

According to the intelligence official, Hizbollah Secretary-General
Hassan Nasrallah administers a special unit for infiltrating,
supporting and directing Palestinian terror activities in the West
Bank and Gaza.

�This special unit of the Hizbollah is focused on fighting Abu Mazen
and what he stands for,� the official said. �For the first time, there
is a Palestinian leader who is at least making an attempt to fight for
his people�s right to the pursuit of happiness through nonviolent
means. Nasrallah doesn�t hide the fact that he is opposed to the
tahdiya,� the Abbas-brokered lull, or cooling-down period, among all
armed Palestinian factions, designed to allow Israel to complete its
planned withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and four settlements in the
northern West Bank.

Ely Karmon, senior research scholar at Israel�s Institute for
Counter-Terrorism, said Hizbollah views the continuation of the
violent conflict between Israel and the Palestinians as crucial to
achieving its overall goals. He cited speeches by Nasrallah and
Mohamed Hussein Fadlallah, the organization�s spiritual leader,
emphasizing the inseparable link between the Islamic cause championed
by Hizbollah and the Palestinian struggle against Israel.

�During Operation Iraqi Freedom, Fadlallah posted on his official Web
site these views under titles such as �The Palestinian Cause Is Where
We Stand or Fall,� and �Palestine Is the Battlefront on Which the
Future of the Region Will Be Decided�,� Karmon said.

Last year alone, he added, Iran funneled $9 million through Hizbollah
to the Israeli-occupied territories to support terror operations. �The
current bonus paid for a dead or wounded Israeli is 4,000 shekels,� or
$909, he said.

Citing data from Israel�s Shin Bet security service, Karmon charted a
steep rise in Hizbollah-directed or -supported Palestinian armed cells
over the past three years. �In 2002, seven Palestinian groups were
operated by the Hizbollah; in 2003, there were 14; and in 2004, there
were 51 such groups,� Karmon said. The 51 Hizbollah-Palestinian groups
discovered in 2004 were directly responsible for 68 separate attacks
that collectively claimed the lives of 24 Israeli soldiers and
civilians, he said.

While statistics for the first half of 2005 are not yet publicly
available, the Israeli government in April released details gleaned
from three arrested Palestinians from Nablus, who admitted under
interrogation they were recruited into Hizbollah. According to the
April 5 statement, a 21-year-old student from An-Najah University was
recruited into the Lebanese organization during a family visit to
Lebanon. Hizbollah trained the student, Wassam Nasser, in small arms
fire and covert surveillance and furnished him with a Global
Positioning System device hidden in a tape player in his car.

�He was requested to pinpoint the location of military bases and
checkpoints in the Nablus area; he also sent this information � via
the Internet � to his handlers in Lebanon,� according to the Israeli

Two other Nablus residents worked with Nasser in providing photos and
other information to Hizbollah handlers, said the statement, which
condemned what it called an increasingly widespread phenomenon �of
recruiting Palestinians into Hizbollah while they are on family visits
to Lebanon in order to establish local cells to perpetrate terrorist

Additionally, Israeli officials said Hizbollah is stepping up efforts
to recruit Israeli Arabs for collaborative Hizbollah-Palestinian
terror attacks in the West Bank, Gaza and Israel. A February 2004
�Special Information Bulletin� published by the Center for Special
Studies, a nongovernmental organization working with Israel�s Ministry
of Defense, contained a detailed dossier on two brothers, Israeli
citizens from a village near Nazareth, who were recruited to Hizbollah
by a Jordanian representative associated with the Palestinian Fatah

According to the bulletin, one brother was sent to a Hizbollah
training camp via Turkey, �where he was taught the use of various
weapons, assembling explosive devices using TNT and C4, and security
procedures, such as detecting people following him, etc.�

The Israeli bulletin, published by the ministry�s Center for Special
Studies, said the case of Sirhan and Ghassan Athamlah � the brothers
eventually arrested and interrogated by Israel�s Shin Bet security
service � presents �clear evidence once again of how Hizbollah and
Iran focus their efforts on recruiting Israeli Arabs to escalate
terrorism and damage the fabric of Israeli society.�

Increasing Sophistication

Military gear and supplies left behind by a three-man Hizbollah cell
that penetrated Israel�s northern border in the June 30 attempt to
abduct Israeli soldiers attests to the increasing sophistication of
the group. According to Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) sources,
recovered items included the latest in night-vision and communications
equipment, sophisticated survival gear and supplies that could have
sustained the commandos for an extended period.

Describing the three-man Hizbollah cell as �high-quality,� Maj. Gen.
Benny Gantz, commander of Israel�s Northern Command, said the men most
likely penetrated the border between June 29 and June 30. Speaking to
reporters July 3, Gantz said Israeli forces detected the team in the
afternoon of June 30, triggering an exchange of fire that killed one
Hizbollah operative and apparently allowed the other two to escape. In
parallel, Hizbollah fired artillery shells against IDF positions in
the area, killing an IDF corporal.

Prior to the June 30 border clash, the IDF intelligence officer also
acknowledged Hizbollah�s increasing sophistication, not only in
operative terms, but in the organization�s ability to move money and
materiel into Palestinian areas of the West Bank and Gaza, where
Israeli forces in recent months have uncovered explosive charges and
high-trajectory munitions that they have traced back to Hizbollah.

Moreover, security officials here said they are on the lookout for
attempts by Hizbollah-directed Palestinian cells to use model
aircraft, oversized kites and other devices to drop explosives on
Israeli military or civilian targets. •


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