the Poconos, feds say Sunday, May 20, 2007 BY DUNSTAN McNICHOL AND JOHN P.
MARTIN Star-Ledger Staff

GOULDSBORO, Pa. -- Cassy Herman booked two unforgettable renters last winter
for her Pocono Mountain vacation property.

First came Eljvir Duka, a 23-year-old Cherry Hill resident, who wanted the
Gouldsboro, Pa., house on Feb. 1. Duka offered Her man a $900 cash deposit
in early December; she took it.

Six weeks later, a second man asked to lease the property for the end of
January. He promised to leave hours before Herman's next renter arrived. 
Again, she agreed.

But something gnawed at Her man as she hung up the phone. So she picked it
up, redialed the last number on her caller ID and listened in stunned
silence at what came next.

"FBI," a voice answered.

The calls, described by Herman in an interview at her home in Blackwood,
Camden County, last week, occurred months before agents accused Duka and
four oth ers of conspiring to storm Fort Dix with assault weapons.

What authorities say happened in the Pennsylvania mountains during that
winter week goes a long way to shaping the government's portrait of the
suspects as "radical Islamists" methodically plotting a terror strike on
U.S. soil.

Prosecutors say Gouldsboro is where Duka and others practiced firearms
training, spent their nights discussing explosives, and studied al Qaeda
videos, even laughing out loud after watching one that showed an American
soldier's hand being blown off.

"They went to the house in the Poconos ... to use for training purposes for
their attack on Fort Dix," U.S. Attorney Christopher Christie said after the

Interviews, a review of court records and other public documents offer a
clearer image of the Poconos chapter of the 15-month investiga tion into a
South Jersey terror cell that authorities say they disrupted earlier this

With secret video cameras, hid den microphones, undercover agents and at
least two informants, investigators monitored most every aspect of that
frosty February trip, turning a sleepy mountain village into the backdrop
for what they say is a new front on terrorism: homegrown insurgents.

But a few puzzling contradic tions also emerged.

At least 14 people crowded into Herman's house that week, a band of chatty,
vodka-swilling young men who included roofers, a baker and a cab driver.
Agents recorded a key defendant claiming that all of them -- "less one or
two" -- planned to participate in the at tack. In the end, prosecutors
charged only four on the trip -- Duka; his brothers, Shain and Dri tan; and
another man from Cherry Hill, Muhamad Ibrahim Shnewer. 
Those four and a fifth, Serdar Tatar of Philadelphia, were charged with
terror conspiracy. A sixth defendant, Agron Abdullahu of Atlantic County, is
accused of supplying guns to the plotters.

With access to the house and informants embedded, FBI agents also had the
opportunity to record nearly every minute of the suspects' 
activities on the weeklong trip. But the otherwise unusually detailed
25-page complaint has only sparse mentions of their conversations, and
doesn't suggest the men viewed their Pocono retreat as a rehearsal or had
agreed to attack Fort Dix.

Last week, the attorney for one defendant argued the jaunt was more likely
"a vacation" taken by gun enthusiasts.

More details are likely to seep out in the coming months, as prosecutors and
defense attor neys prepare for trial.

Herman marvels at the whole episode. In her few, brief dealings with Duka,
she said he was polite, even chatty. She remembers him asking for permission
to take a dip in the house's indoor pool.

"So they had time to drink and swim and plan a massacre," Herman mused. 
"It's crazy."

North of Allentown and south of Scranton, Gouldsboro straddles two townships
that claim about 3,000 residents, a total that ebbs and flows depending on
the season. Its biggest commodities might be the same ones all hamlets seek:
peace, quiet, isolation.

Small lakes dot the landscape, as does a 2,800-acre state park. An Army tank
sits outside the local American Legion post, where veterans share drinks
along a dark, smoky bar. There's a gas station, a convenience store and a
shooting range. The Stars and Stripes fly from every other telephone pole on
Main Street. Flags honoring U.S. prisoners of war hang on the rest.

The suspects in the Fort Dix plot visited Gouldsboro at least once before,
in January 2006, according to an FBI agent's affida vit filed May 8 with the
charging documents. That trip was memorable enough that three of the men
allegedly later downloaded video onto their laptops or cell phones that
showed them firing weapons and yelling "jihad" at the secluded shooting

One brought the footage to Circuit City in Mount Laurel and asked for
copies. A clerk shared it with the police, and the FBI began investigating.

By late summer, the criminal complaint said, Shnewer, began sharing pieces
of the plot with an FBI informant. "My intent is to hit a heavy
concentration of soldiers," Shnewer said in one recorded conversation,
according to prosecutors.

He also allegedly named the other conspirators -- the Duka brothers, who
worked in a family roofing business, and Tatar, a store clerk -- and said
the group knew of "a nice area where we can train" in Pennsylvania.

"You are in the mountains in the Poconos," Shnewer told the man, a paid
informant identified by investigators only as Cooperating Witness 1. "We
went there for a week, walking in the mountains and shooting in the open
shooting range."

By the fall, plans for the trip took shape. A second paid FBI informant had
befriended Eljvir Duka and his brothers, Shain and Dritan, illegal
immigrants from the former Yugoslavia. That cooperator reported to agents in
October that Shain Duka said they would travel to the Poconos "so that the
group could shoot firearms," according to the complaint.

On a Web site, Herman adver tises her house as the only one of its kind in
the gated development called Big Bass Lake. Filling 5,000 square feet, the
house sports a hot tub and sauna, a 62-inch television in the master suite
and an outdoor fireplace "for roasting marshmallows."

On Dec. 7, Eljvir Duka called her Blackwood home and asked if he could rent
the Gouldsboro property for the first week of February. Herman recalls him
saying he and friends planned "to hang out."

She quoted the price -- almost $1,700 -- and offered to mail him a lease.
But Duka asked if he could stop by her house with a deposit that day; he
said he knew the neighborhood because he once ran a pizza parlor in
Blackwood. Later that afternoon Duka gave Herman a $900 cash deposit.

"We gave him iced tea; he was very friendly," Herman recalled.

She said she booked the second renter about six weeks later. The caller
-- a man whose name Herman would not disclose -- wanted the Gouldsboro
property for three days starting Monday, Jan. 29. He gave her a Cherry Hill
address for the application.

But after she hung up, Her man said, she became curious about why the man
sought the unusually short midweek rental in frigid temperatures. 
She called back, and discovered she had rented to an FBI agent.

Herman said she asked why the FBI was interested in her house, but the agent
suggested it wasn't for bureau business, just a getaway for friends.

Special Agent J.J. Klaver, a spokesman for the FBI's Philadelphia division,
which led the probe, declined to discuss details about the Poconos aspect of
the investigation.

"Yes, the FBI was there," Klaver said Friday. "We have to go where the bad
guys go."

At least five of the men on the trip, including one of the FBI informants,
agreed to spend the night of Jan. 31 together at Dritan Duka's Cherry Hill
home and leave for Pennsylvania the next day. Agents watched from the
shadows as they arrived.

One was Abdullahu, a 24-year-old legal permanent resident who emigrated from
Macedo nia to South Jersey in 1999. Investigators trained their cameras on
him as Abdullahu carried "rifle- style bags" into Duka's house, court
documents say. During the night, Abdullahu and Shain Duka also allegedly
traveled to Philadelphia to collect a semi-automatic rifle from an
unidentified man.

The next morning, the group left in a caravan for Gouldsboro, about 140
miles northwest of Cherry Hill. Prosecutors have declined to identify all
the participants on the trip. At his news conference, Christie called the
defendants "the core and soul" of the plot, but would not discuss the

(In a court hearing last week, Abdullahu's attorney said he took his
brothers, 13 and 18, on the trip; court documents indicate a fourth Duka
brother who occasionally ac companied his brothers, but do not say if he
went to Gouldsboro.)

A day after arriving at Herman's rental house, the suspects braved the
sub-freezing temperature to go to Pennsylvania State Game Land 127, a short
drive outside the gated community. It's the same firing range shown in the
January 2006 video that sparked the investiga tion.

Between them, the men had four weapons: two semi-automatic rifles, a shotgun
and a 9mm handgun. This time, though, law enforcement officers were the ones
recording the scene, with video cameras and at least one undercover agent
posing as a fellow sportsman. According to the criminal complaint, agents
recorded Shain Duka directing others into firing positions and captured
Abdullahu giv ing pointers on how to use a shot gun.

One of the odder moments outlined in the FBI affidavit oc curred at a local
convenience store early the next day. As Eljvir and Dritan Duka wandered
into the store, they recognized another customer -- the undercover agent who
had been at the firing range -- and began chatting with him about guns. They
allegedly asked their new acquaintance if he knew where they could buy as
sault rifles.

Dritan Duka told the agent they wanted Russian AK-47s, not the cheaper
Chinese version, be cause the Russian model was sturdier and easier to bury
in the dirt or sand, according to the complaint. It's not clear how the
agent responded. Later, the Dukas returned to the range.

Agents gathered what appears to be some of their most damning evidence the
next day, Super Bowl Sunday, when Shnewer ar rived with the first
cooperating witness.

A 21-year-old cab driver from Cherry Hill, Shnewer had for months been
confiding details of the plot to the informant, an older man whom he
believed had experience in the Egyptian military, according to the criminal

Together they had allegedly scouted possible targets: U.S. military
installations in New Jersey, Delaware and Philadelphia.

Shnewer spent less than 24 hours at the Poconos retreat.

His mother, Faten, said last week that her son didn't want to go to
Pennsylvania but that the informant pressed him. She said the cooperator
arrived at the family's house that Sunday afternoon, rousted Shnewer from a
nap and told Shnewer he had rented a Jeep for the trip.

"I do this just for you," the informant said, according to Faten Shnewer.

Prosecutors allege that on the ride to Gouldsboro, Shnewer discussed the
Fort Dix plot and told the informant they could kill many people with
rocket-propelled gre nades.

Sometime later that day, they say, Shnewer opened his laptop at the rental
house and showed oth ers in the house "terrorist training videos" 
he had downloaded. According to court documents filed by prosecutors, one
showed al Qaeda attacking U.S. military vehicles in Iraq. When Shain Duka
allegedly pointed out that one scene showed an American soldier's hand being
blown off, "laughter erupted from the group," the complaint said.

As night passed into morning, the informant allegedly recorded members of
the group discussing bombs, nitroglycerin and C-4, an explosive-making
material. The next day, some of the men re turned to the firearms range.
Shnewer and the informant left for New Jersey.

The rest of the group -- including a second FBI informant -- stayed for
another three days, but the public record of what occurred or what was said
is bare.

According to Herman, Big Bass Lake security officers cited some of the men
for speeding and improper use of a paint-ball gun on Tuesday, Feb. 
6. She was given copies of the tickets. They also recovered a 9mm bullet
casing in the driveway of Herman's home, but didn't pursue it because one of
the men presented registration for a 9mm gun.

Witnesses at the nearby Gould sboro Tavern said Abdullahu and a man named
Vladimir spent several hours drinking vodka there one night that week. "The
impression I got is they were relatives of some sort," said Christi Wood,
the new owner who said she met the men.

Another patron, Walter Perih, a veteran known as "Big Wall" be cause of his
towering, bear-size frame, said he rebuked the immi grants for not speaking
English, but also shot a round of pool with Vladimir and chatted with them.

"They were just talking about drinking," Perih said.

On the morning of Feb. 8, the Dukas drove back to Cherry Hill with the FBI
informant. During the ride, they allegedly told the cooperator that they
considered the Gouldsboro trip "a training mission." They hoped to go on a
jihad overseas, they allegedly said.

Agents arrested the subjects and announced the case after two of the Duka
brothers bought seven assault rifles from one of the FBI informants during a
sting on May 7. Five were charged with conspiring to kill soldiers; Abdul
lahu was accused of aiding the conspiracy by supplying weapons to illegal

At a bail hearing last week for Abdullahu, Assistant Federal Public Defender
Lisa Evans called the trip "a vacation" for her client and his brothers, and
said that different people rotated through the house all week.

"It was almost like an open house," she said.

Abdullahu's former boss at a Williamstown supermarket testi fied that he
recalled asking Ab dullahu about his trip to Pennsylvania. "He really didn't
have a good time up there," the boss, Ray Million, testified. 
"(He said) it would be the last time he would go."

Herman said the group broke some chairs and left behind other signs of minor
disruption at the lake house. She has not heard back from the FBI.

One night in late February, Herman was home alone in Blackwood when Eljvir
Duka pulled up to her house. It was midnight. "He seemed trustwor thy
enough, so I opened the door to him," she said.

She said Duka handed her a check for $250 to cover the rental house damage.
Then he bid her good night and drove off.

Staff writers Judith Lucas and Jeff Whelan contributed to this report.

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