September 22, 2011 

The Questions Never Asked About Palestine

By  <> Steve Feldman

As the Palestinian-Arabs and their friends make their latest push for
"Palestinian" statehood at the United Nations this week, once again the
wrong questions are being asked, while the pertinent questions every
reporter, activist, and foreign minister should be asking never arise.

Why do "Palestinians" need a state of their own?  Who are these "stateless"
people?  What is their history?  Where have they been for all of these

In the spirit of "you don't know what you don't know," here are some
Hansel-and-Gretel-like bread crumbs to guide journalists and others to the
questions they might ask:

Where does the name "Palestine" come from and who have been the people
who've lived there?  Of course, it was coined by the conquering Romans to
add insult to injury to a Jewish nation they sought to obliterate.  The
Romans conquered the land, but there was always a remnant of Jewish people
living there. 

While throughout the ages the land was under control of various powers, none
called themselves "Palestinian," and there was never a nation with that
name.  It was that Jewish remnant and those Jews who joined them over time
who became the "Palestinians."

In modern times, the Ottoman Turks controlled this territory and, following
World War I, the British (under the auspices of the League of Nations).  In
this period, there were many "Palestinian" institutions, though all of them
were Jewish in character and membership.  The most famous of these was,
perhaps, the Palestine Post, which lives on today as the Jerusalem Post.
There were Palestine orchestras and chess teams and the like.  But the names
of the players were Jewish, not Arab.

As Jewish nationalism in the region gained strength, the Arabs and Muslims
committed massacre after massacre of Jews throughout Palestine.

Meanwhile, in 1922, the British took 78% of territory that was promised for
a Jewish homeland by the World War I victors and the League of Nations and
gave it to the Arabs.  The outcome was the heretofore nonexistent Arab
nation of Transjordan.  Transjordan later became simply Jordan.

This should be the end of the story, as the land of Palestine was divided
(though quite unfairly) and an Arab state was created out of the Jewish
homeland.  "Two states for two peoples."

Being handed 78% of a territory would satisfy most people -- if their true
interest were a state of their own.  Instead, over the past seven decades,
what the world refuses to see is the desire by the Arabs to obliterate
Jewish nationalism, and later the Jewish nation that was its culmination.

Violence and terrorism by the Arabs against Jews continued, and as the Arabs
stepped up their pressure on the British and the League of Nations, in an
attempt to appease the Arabs, the remaining 22% of the land left for the
Jews was divided further.  The Arabs again got the bigger portion.  The Jews
accepted the offer and, when the mandate expired, declared independence as
the nation of Israel.

The Arabs declared war.

Though they were unable to defeat the Israelis, the Arabs did gain more
territory.  The Jordanians expanded into what they renamed "the West Bank"
so as to erase the Jewish connection to Judea and Samaria (as those areas
were called for millennia), while Egypt grabbed the Gaza Strip.

The Arabs who lived in those areas never cried out for independence or
claimed to be oppressed, nor threatened to go to the United Nations.  Why?
Because they were part of, rather than distinct from, the Arab Nation.

Instead, there were incessant terror attacks.  In 1964, the Arabs formed the
"Palestine Liberation Organization" -- three years before Israel would gain
control over the Gaza Strip and Judea and Samaria (aka "the West Bank").
So: what were the Arabs bent on liberating, and whom were they liberating it
from?  Did they demand a state from Egypt and Jordan?  This is the same PLO
that today controls the Palestinian Authority -- and has never renounced its
appetite for all of what was once dubbed "Palestine."

It was only after Israel's miraculous victory in 1967 that "the West Bank"
and "Gaza Strip" suddenly had relevance to their Arab inhabitants, and it
was then that the Arab propaganda machine revved up.  It eventually inverted
much of the world's perception of the Middle East: transforming tiny Israel
from its natural role of "David" against the massive Arab population and
lands, to one of "Goliath" against the "stateless," "oppressed," and
"occupied" "Palestinians."  It made the notion of changing straw into gold
seem like child's play.  And it worked.

That the Palestinian-Arabs have spilled much innocent blood to get their
"cause" out there -- murdered Olympics athletes, airline passengers, bus
riders, diners -- seems to have faded from memory.  But it was these
headline-grabbing crimes that got them to the head of the line.

The lesson: crime pays.  Terror works.

So, journalists, activists, and foreign ministers of the world: you still
have time to ask yourselves and others these questions; still have time to
prevent a great wrong from being done; still have time to save untold lives;
still have time to avoid a terrible precedent; still have time to prevent
the creation of another terrorist state.  Will you?

Steve Feldman is executive director of the Greater Philadelphia District of
the Zionist Organization of America and was a reporter for more than 20

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