Turning a blind eye to evil


Posted: August 4, 2006
1:00 a.m. Eastern
C 2006  
Our nation stands at an important precipice: War has been declared against
our nation; our people have been killed and wounded in this war, and yet a
sizable portion of our population is unwilling to recognize this war and
stand up to fight it. 
The war is of course the battle between Islamic jihadists and the United
States of America and our allies in the West. 
Right now the brave people of Israel are on the front lines of this battle,
one that poses a far greater threat to mankind and the civilized world than
even the most diabolical machinations of Adolf Hitler's Nazi regime. 
If you think that statement is harsh, then you haven't given much thought to
the consequence of a biological or nuclear weapon being used against a
civilian population in Israel, the United States or the United Kingdom. 
Ignoring the Lessons of History 
The reaction of a large number in this country, and the civilian populations
of allied nations, is not altogether that different from the years leading
up to full scale combat in World War II. 
In the late 1930's, Adolf Hitler successfully seized control of greater
amounts of land in successive waves of military-free conquest, continuously
building an ever-expanding German empire. 
The response by those who preached diplomacy and appeasement was to bully
peaceful, free nations to give up land to the aggressor. In the pre-World
War II era, that policy of land-for-peace meant ceding parts or all of
Czechoslovakia, Austria and Poland to the Nazis. Today the West, in
complicity with the corrupt proponents of tyranny at the United Nations,
force Israel to fall for a similarly misguided land-for-peace policy. 
Even after Hitler attacked Poland, France, the Netherlands, Great Britain
and Russia, the people of the United States were unwilling to confront this
deadly fascist threat to the free world. 
''It's not our war,'' they protested to the media and their elected leaders
alike. They were wrong - it certainly was our war, we just waited years to
fight it, and unnecessarily sentenced untold numbers of men, women and
children to their deaths. 
Time has passed, but things haven't changed. Regrettably we have failed to
learn the lessons of history. 
Today, Islamic fascists have launched attacks against both our nation and
our allies around the world. They currently threaten to wipe Israel off the
And the response from many Americans is the same as it was in the years
leading up to the world's most devastating war. 
The once-respected conservative wordsmith, Pat Buchanan, recently
demonstrated the myopic assessment of the threat posed by Islamic extremist
terrorism is not limited solely to the anti-military left. 
In his July <>  20
column, Buchanan wrote an anti-Semitic diatribe headlined: No, this is not
''our war,'' echoing the sentiments of so many Americans and Europeans
during the 1930s. 
Buchanan's isolationist, ignorant and defeatist approach is not difficult to
understand, because it seems easier to hide in the closet from danger, than
be forced to face reality. 
But, it does not change the fact that turning a blind eye towards terror and
tyranny in the hope that you yourself might be saved - if only you look the
other way and promise not to stand up and take action - is immoral, unjust
and in the end suicidal. 
It is ''our war.'' 
What makes the argument of Pat Buchanan and his anti-war comrades like Cindy
Sheehan and Michael Moore so intellectually bankrupt is that while this
crowd waves the white flag of neutrality in the war against terrorism, they
ignore the fact that war has already been declared against the United States
by the terrorists themselves. 
They've announced it in terrorist videos released to TV stations. They've
written letters announcing their declaration of war. They've blown up our
ships, planes, buildings, and killed thousands of Americans to send the
message that their declaration of war is for real. 
And yet the appeasement and isolationist crowd still doesn't get it! 
In the case of the current conflict with Israel, the terrorist group that is
killing Israeli civilians, Hezbollah, had until September 11, 2001 killed
more Americans than any other terrorist group in the world. The fact that
the European Union won't call them terrorists is testimony that the lessons
of World War II were not learned. 
But don't tell that to Pat Buchanan's compatriot in the anti-war effort,
Michael Moore. Following release of his anti-American propaganda flick,
Fahrenheit 9/11, Moore declared, ''There is no terrorist threat in this
country. This is a lie.'' 
Well, perhaps Moore can take note of the exceptional documentary,
''Obsession,'' which chronicles the growing war against the West by Islamic
''Obsession'' shows repeated videoclips of Hassan Nasrallah repeatedly
whipping up crowds of militant Islamists in chants of ''Death to America,''
and cites his hate-filled tirades where he promises to kill Americans and
Israeli's alike, and destroy our nations. 
Nasrallah is, of course, the head of the terrorist group Hezbollah - the
people that Pat Buchanan and Michael Moore say we are not at war with. 
(You can obtain a copy of the documentary, ''Obsession,
<> '' at their website or preview it at the
Say Anything Blog. <> ) 
Where We Go From Here 
It's obvious the viewpoints of Buchanan and Moore are not isolated. Many
Americans, most journalists and far too many elected officials obviously do
not yet recognize that we are at war. 
If they did, then there would be fewer tears shed for the civilians of South
Lebanon who have been injured or killed by the Israeli response to
Hezbollah's attacks. 
Everyone knows that South Lebanon is the base of operations for Hezbollah
and that the civilian population largely supports their terrorist agenda.
Left-wing journalist, Kevin Sites, who often sympathizes with the Islamic
jihadists, nonetheless documented the fact that civilian homes in
<>  South Lebanon were used to
store weapons and ammunition to use against the Israelis - in the event the
Israeli's should re-enter Lebanon to disarm Hezbollah. 
We know Israel does not target civilians intentionally. We also know
Hezbollah specifically and deliberately targets civilians. 
Yet the moral outrage expressed by many is directed not towards Hezbollah,
but Israel! 
This can easily be explained by the fact that the people of this nation -
and of most Western nations - do not accept the fact that we are at war with
Islamic jihadists including Hezbollah, al-Qaida, and the like. 
It's time to wake up America. Israel is but one front of the war against the
West being waged by the jihadists. 
The spread of Islamic terrorism in Somalia that killed 18 American soldiers
had nothing to do with Israel. Shall we give up Somalia to the Islamic
jihadists in a land-for-peace appeasement deal, as Neville Chamberlain might
recommend were he still alive today? 
What about the Islamic terrorist group, Abu Sayaff, which has kidnapped and
killed Americans in the Philippines? Shall we turn over the Philippines to
the terrorists if they promise not to attack us any more? 
Maybe we can encourage the Russians to turn over Chechnya? After all, the
Islamic jihadists are murdering civilians in Russia because they claim
Chechnya as their possession just as the terrorists declare Israel to be
their rightful territory. 
Maybe we should give up Algeria and Sudan as well - two places Islamic
jihadists have waged a pitched battle for control. Of course, the
terrorist-friendly Taliban regime held Afghanistan before Operation Enduring
Freedom. Maybe if we give Afghanistan back to al-Qaida and the Taliban, we
can appease the Islamic fascists, and somehow realize Pat Buchanan's
fictitious belief that this is not ''our war.'' 
You know what - on second thought, maybe giving up half of civilization to
the terrorists is a bad idea. After all, the Islamic fascists will just then
demand to control the other half as well. 
Perhaps instead we should do what any people do when attacked in a war. We
should fight back, and we should kill every single Islamic jihadist and
terrorist that we can until they surrender, beg for mercy and give up their
And until such time that our politicians and the American public realize
that we, the United States are at war and must react to these hostile
attacks accordingly, then the very least we should do is offer our
unqualified support for nations like Israel, who stand on the front lines in
this world war. 
This is, after all, a lot like World War II, and Franklin Roosevelt and
Winston Churchill had to find ways to fight the fascist enemies while the
appeasement and diplomacy crowds tried to pretend there wasn't a war going
on then either. 

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