[osint] Pappy Boyington not good enough...!!!!!

2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=48808 Students reject honor to WWII hero Member of Marines not 'sort of person UW wanted to produce' Posted: February 14, 2006 1:00 a.m. Eastern C 2006 WorldNetDaily.com Lt. Col. Gregory "Pappy" Boyington during World War II (Photo: Nati

[osint] Fissures in Balkan Islam

2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.csmonitor.com/2006/0214/p06s02-woeu.html Fissures in Balkan Islam Macedonia's Muslims are likely to elect a moderate leader soon, but extremism persists. By Christopher Deliso | Contributor to The Christian Science Monitor SK

[osint] What British people think

2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2087-2036533,00.html None of this is surprising..and where the people lead the politicians will follow...or be voted out of office and replaced.. Public anger at Muslim protesters David Smith Poll reveals fear of future clashes PEOPLE in Bri

[osint] Muslim: "We were brought up to hate - and we do"

2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/opinion/main.jhtml?xml=/opinion/2006/02/12/do1205 .xml &sSheet=/portal/2006/02/12/ixportal.html We were brought up to hate - and we do By Nonie D

[osint] The Slippery Slope of Self-Censorship

2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.alternet.org/story/32202/ The Slippery Slope of Self-Censorship By David Morris, AlterNet Posted on February 14, 2006, Printed on February 14, 2006 http://www.alternet.org/story/32202/ Earlier this month, even as the Danish and Norwegian embassy buildings were still ablaze, the

[osint] Leader of cartoon rally warns of 'fire throughout the world'

2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/02/12/ncart12.xml And this was supposed to be 'moderation' and the 'acceptable face of Islam'.still not good enough by our standards..as for it being 'hijacked' by who? That makes about as much sense as breaking into your own houseit


2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.worldthreats.com/middle_east/talk_tikriti.htm ANOTHER FORMER HIGH-RANKING IRAQI OFFICIAL CONFIRMS WMD WENT TO SYRIA The Changed Baathist: Interview with Ali Ibrahim Al-Tikriti By: Ryan Mauro Ali Ibrahim al-Tikriti was a sout

[osint] Israel uses Hamas-Chechen link

2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1139395401115&pagename=JPost%2FJP Article%2FShowFull Israel uses Hamas-Chechen link By HERB KEINON Government officials a

[osint] British imam praises London Tube bombers

2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2087-2036538,00.html The Sunday Times February 12, 2006 British imam praises London Tube bombers A LEADING imam in the mosque where the July 7 bombers worshippe

[osint] Check out this cartoon

2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=48777 Check out this cartoon _ Posted: February 11, 2006 1:00 a.m. Eastern Editor's note: Joseph Farah launches a new weekend column today. Yes, that's right - a sixth column every week. But this one is a little bit different from

[osint] USVI Congresswoman challenges NY Post story

2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.caribbeannetnews.com/cgi-script/csArticles/articles/05/000503 .htm USVI Congresswoman challenges NY Post story 02-14-2006 by Susan Mann Caribbean Net News St Thomas Correspondent Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ST THOMAS, USVI: US Virgin Islands Delegat

[osint] The Western Front: 'Bin Ladenism'

2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://opinionjournal.com/ THE WESTERN FRONT 'Bin Ladenism' The Pentagon's vision for the "Long War." BY BRENDAN MINITER At a luncheon at the National Press Club in Washington recently, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld sized up the progress of the war on terror, compared it to the struggle a

[osint] Islam prohibits neither images of Muhammad nor jokes about religion.

2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://opinionjournal.com/editorial/feature.html?id=110007934 Bonfire of the Pieties Islam prohibits neither images of Muhammad nor jokes about religion. BY AMIR TAHERI Wednesday, February 8, 2006 12:01 a.m. EST "The Muslim Fury," one newspaper headline screamed. "The Rage of Islam Swee


2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.adnki.com/index_2Level_English.php?cat=Religion&loid=8.0.26484399 7&par= CARTOON CRISIS: ITALIAN MOSQUES SUE ITALIAN NEWSPAPERS Rome, 14 Feb. (AKI) - Italian mosques will sue media outlets that have displayed cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed after the Italian Union of Islamic

[osint] The Spoiled Brat Islam

2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
"Perhaps the world needs to step up very soon and begin taking action, by calling Islam what it really is to most of our nations. A treasonous organization bent on violence. By using the Koran itself it is easily shown that Islam has an agenda that is dangerous to Western society. It actually goes

[osint] Italian minister puts Mohammad cartoon on T-shirts

2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/02/14/AR2006021400 777.html Italian minister puts Mohammad cartoon on T-shirts Tue Feb 14, 2006 10:51 AM ET By Crispian Balmer ROME (Reuters) - Italy's Reform Minister Roberto Calderoli has had T-shirts made emblazoned with cartoo

[osint] Canada: Media Runs Scared

2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://calsun.canoe.ca/News/Columnists/Levant_Ezra/2006/02/13/1439841.html Media runs scared More than meets eye in failure to show cartoons By Ezra Levant Early this morning, 40

[osint] Muslims call for worldwide anti-blasphemy legislation

2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.adnki.com/index_2Level_English.php?cat=Politics&loid=8.0.26233730 2&par=0 CARTOON CRISIS: FOCUS - TUNISIAN PLAYERS OUTLINE WAY FORWARD Tunis, 14 Feb. (AKI) - In order to repair the rift between s

[osint] Some Hamas Humor

2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.mg.co.za/zapiro/imagePage.aspx?YearId=2006|MonthId=1|DayId=31 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] -- Want to discuss this topic? Head on over to our discussion list, [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Brooks Isoldi, edito

[osint] Prophet cartoons puts Canadian troops at risk: CAIR

2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
Coming from CAIR-CAN this is a threat. http://money.canoe.ca/News/Other/2006/02/14/1442654-cp.html February 14, 2006 Prophet cartoons puts Cdn troops at risk: group OTTAWA (CP) - A Muslim group warns that publication of controv


2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.iranfocus.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=5774 Iran's Islamists call for death of Britain's Blair Tue. 14 Feb 2006 Iran Focus Tehran, Iran, Feb. 14 - Hard-line radicals linked to Iran's Revolutionary Guards rallied outside the British embassy in Tehran and called for the death o


2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://hnn.us/blogs/entries/21750.html Judith Apter Klinghoffer HAMAS: "WE WILL DRINK THE BLOOD OF JEWS" No. I am not making it up. I wish I were. Just click here. Watch and Listen to the first Hamas terrorists saying:

[osint] US Support for Palestinians Plummets

2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://poll.gallup.com/content/?ci=21406 US Support for Palestinians Plummets Following the election of Hamas as the Palestinian Authorit

[osint] Schumer says United Arab Emirates has been 'linked to terrorism'

2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.silive.com/news/advance/index.ssf?/base/news/1139927574271130.xml &coll=1 Senator: Review port takeover by Arab nation Schumer says United Arab Emirates has been 'linked to terrorism' Tuesday, February 14, 2006 By TERENCE J. KIVLAN WASHINGTON -- Sen. Charles Schumer has called on the f


2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.nypost.com/news/nationalnews/63541.htm REP. KING RIPS GORE 'DISGRACE' NY Post By DEBORAH ORIN _ February 14, 2006 -- WASHINGTON - House Homeland Security Chairman Peter King yesterday blasted Al Gore as "disgraceful" for claiming that President Bush committed "terrible

[osint] Savage Muslims Ravage Pakistani Cities

2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.lasvegassun.com/sunbin/stories/w-me/2006/feb/14/021400775.html Today: February 14, 2006 at 10:37:3 PST Protesters Ravage Two Pakistani Cities By ASIF SHAHZAD ASSOCIATED PRESS LAHORE, Pakistan (AP) - Thousands of protesters rampaged through two cities Tuesday, storming into

[osint] Tampa Jihadi Olympics

2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=21232 Tampa Jihadi Olympics By Joe Kaufman FrontPageMagazine.com | February 10, 2006 >From March 11th through the 12th, the Muslim American Society of Tampa will be holding its


2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://counterterror.typepad.com/the_counterterrorism_blog/2006/02/the_carto onesqu.html#more February 08, 2006 THE CARTOONESQUE JIHAD. Walid Phares - PART TWO - Brussels, the European Parliament, London, the House of Commons. This piece was author

[osint] Dutch court jails man over terror plans

2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.theage.com.au/news/World/Dutch-court-jails-man-over-terror-plans/ 2006/02/15/1139890768552.html Dutch court jails man over terror plans February 15, 2006 - 9:34AM A Dutch court has sentenced a Muslim man to three years in jail under tough new anti-terrorism laws for planning

[osint] Hamas leader stresses that his radical movement won't recognize Israel

2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
Hamas leader stresses that his radical movement won't recognize Israel BY MOHAMED OSMAN Associated Press Writer KHARTOUM, Sudan Exiled Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal reiterated Tuesday that his group had no plans to recognize Israel and called on the Jewish state to instead accept the militant move

[osint] FW: Muslim Brotherhood Vows to Fight Vote Law

2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
Muslim Brotherhood Vows to Fight Vote Law By NADIA ABOU EL-MAGD Associated Press Writer CAIRO, Egypt A move by Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to put off local elections for two years has raised accusations his government is breaking promises to increase democracy in a bid to stem gains by the

[osint] Caricaturist receives death threats for drawing Iranian soccer players as suicide bombers

2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
Caricaturist receives death threats for drawing Iranian soccer players as suicide bombers BERLIN A political cartoonist from a leading German daily has received death threats, the paper said Tuesday, after publishing a caricature showing the Iranian national soccer team wearing belts of explosiv

[osint] Valentine

2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
Little Melissa comes home from first grade and tells her father that they learned about the history of Valentine's Day. Since Valentine's Day is named after a Christian saint and we're Jewish," she asks, "will God get mad at me for giving someone a valentine? Melissa's father thinks a bit, th

[osint] US, Canada break up human smuggling ring

2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://today.reuters.com/news/newsarticle.aspx?type=topNews &storyid=2006-02-14T225244Z_01_N14389051_RTRUKOC_0_US-CRIME-CANADA-SMUGGLING .xml

[osint] US Muslim scholar says Iran attack would be insane

2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
Exactly what one would expect a Muslim to say about a non-Muslim attack on Muslims. Bruce http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060214/wl_nm/religion_islam_yusuf_dc US Muslim scholar says Iran attack would be insane By Talal MalikTue Feb 14, 11:48 AM ET A prominent American Muslim scholar w

[osint] Canadian justice minister to consider fate of Abdullah Khadr@

2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
HL:Canadian justice minister to consider fate of Abdullah Khadr@ TORONTO (CP) _ The fate of a Canadian accused of supplying weapons to al-Qaida and plotting to kill Pakistan's prime minister is now in the hands of Canada's justice minister. Wearing a Roots shirt, Abdullah Khadr, 24, appeared bri

[osint] U.S. Web Companies Defend China Policies

2006-02-14 Thread Bruce Tefft
Lame argument = "if we dont help the Chinese put dissidents in jail, somebody else will" but don't expect us to help out with any domestic US terrorism investigations because that's against our moral principles... _ U.S. Web Companies Defend China Policies By JOE McDONALD Associated P

[osint] Prosecutors say Virginia conviction untainted by wiretap issues

2006-02-15 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.dailypress.com/news/local/virginia/dp-bushplot0214feb14,0,4209489 .story?coll=dp-headlines-virginia Prosecutors say Virginia conviction untainted by wiretap issues By MATTHEW BARAKAT Associated Press Writer ALEXANDRIA, Va. Prosecutors said Tuesday they had no reason to believe the gover

[osint] Tehran secretly tested missile last month

2006-02-15 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://news.monstersandcritics.com/intelandterror/article_1094638.php/German _newspaper_says_Tehran_secretly_tested_missile_last_month Intelligence and Terro

[osint] Pentagon plans new arms to meet rivals like China

2006-02-15 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://today.reuters.com/news/newsarticle.aspx?type=topNews&storyid=2006-02- 03T195957Z_01_N03246816_RTRUKOC_0_US-ARMS-USA-MILITARY.xml Pentagon plans new

[osint] Intelligence Breach Revealed In Dallas Terror Case

2006-02-15 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://cbs11tv.com/topstories/local_story_045210859.html Feb 14, 2006 8:05 pm US/Central Intelligence Breach Revealed In Dallas Terror Case Image Robert

[osint] Pakistan: Islamic groups organised violence

2006-02-15 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2006%5C02%5C15%5Cstory_15-2-20 06_pg1_2 Religious groups organised violence' LAHORE: The chain of violent incidents across the city on Tuesday was orchestrated by a group of trained young activists of religious organisations, sources in intelligence

[osint] CAIR: Muslim Fifth Column project

2006-02-15 Thread Bruce Tefft
Prophet focus of Muslim project Michael Clancy The Arizona Republic Feb. 15, 2006 12:00 AM An Islamic group with offices in Phoenix will conduct a yearlong, nationwide campaign to educate the public about the Prophet Mohammed. The Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, which pr

[osint] The Camel Congress Built

2006-02-15 Thread Bruce Tefft
The Camel Congress Built John Weisman | February 13, 2006 The camel, so the old story goes, was supposed to be a horse. Except that a committee designed it. Why am I telling you this? Because it has been just over a year since the Congress redesigned America's intelligence community. Today,

[osint] Syrian Gov't Suggests Israel Created, Spread Avian Flu Virus

2006-02-15 Thread Bruce Tefft
Ignorance and superstition have no place in modern politics... but then, Syrian politics are hardly modern. what's even more frightening is how readily this will be belived by the "Arab Street". /C _ =Special Dispatch - Syria February 16, 2006 No. 1094 Syrian Gov't Daily Sugg

[osint] New border chief maps strategy

2006-02-15 Thread Bruce Tefft
New border chief maps strategy Mike Madden Republic Washington Bureau Feb. 15, 2006 12:00 AM Arizona Republic WASHINGTON - The new director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Julie Myers, wants federal agents to make examples of high-profile violators of immigration laws, hoping o

[osint] Ignalinsk Nuclear Power Station Linked with Al-Qaeda & Teenage girl from Visaginas suspected of ties with al-Qaeda

2006-02-15 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.kommersant.com/page.asp?idr=530&id=649092 article Ignalinsk Nuclear Power Station Linked with Al-Qaeda Viktoria Zakurko, a Lithuanian citizen, was arrested in the UK last weekend suspected of links with al-Qaeda. British and

[osint] "...Martyrdom-seekers in the world are on full alert"

2006-02-15 Thread Bruce Tefft
[mideastwire.com/] 1. German newspaper publishes offensive drawings of the Iranian football team 2. "...Martyrdom-seekers in the world are on full alert" German newspaper publishes offensive drawings of the Iranian football team Elaph, a web-based newspaper, reported in its February 14 e

[osint] "'We have never considered Hamas a terrorist organization' says the Russian president."

2006-02-15 Thread Bruce Tefft
Kinda makes Putain the wrong person to counsel HAMAS to give up terrorism then... Bruce http://online.wsj.com/article/SB11399679574165.html REVIEW & OUTLOOK Friends of Hamas Wall Street Journal editorial, 15 February 2006 The government of Hugo Chavez will receive representatives of

[osint] U.S. To Issue Newly Designed Us$100 Notes Next Year

2006-02-15 Thread Bruce Tefft
U.S. To Issue Newly Designed Us$100 Notes Next Year The United States will roll out newly designed US$100 notes next year to enhance security of American currency, the Treasury Department said in its 2007 budget report. The department issued new $10 bills last year, new $50 notes in 2004, an

[osint] Sharia attempt dead in Ontario, for now.

2006-02-15 Thread Bruce Tefft
This pronounces Sharia dead in Ontario … for now. News Release Communiqué Ontario Logo _ Ministry of the Attorney General Ministère du Procureur général PDF Version

[osint] al-Fuqar: US and Pakistan

2006-02-15 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.satp.org/satporgtp/countries/pakistan/terroristoutfits/jamaat-ul- fuqra.htm Jamaat ul-Fuqra Formation Jamaat ul-Fuqra (JF) or "community of the impoverished", a terrorist outfit operating in Pakistan and North America, was formed by a Pakistani cleric, Sheikh

[osint] Muslim Bites Dog

2006-02-15 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ucac/20060215/cm_ucac/muslimbitesdog;_ylt=A86.I2E8vf NDMw0BNQr9wxIF;_ylu=X3oDMTBjMHVqMTQ4BHNlYwN5bnN1YmNhdA-- Muslim Bites Dog By Ann Cou

[osint] In a Single Night

2006-02-16 Thread Bruce Tefft
In a Single Night By EDWARD N. LUTTWAK February 8, 2006; Page A16 Many commentators argue that a pre-emptive air attack against Iran's nuclear installations is unfeasible. It would not be swift or surgical, they say, because it would require thousands of strike and defens

[osint] Please send your support to Denmark!

2006-02-16 Thread Bruce Tefft
Subject: Please send your support to Denmark! [b11] Dear Friend, Denmark is, at this moment, the proverbial "canary in the mine" of the Islamofascist war on Western democracy. We must not let history repeat itself. If Britain had heeded Churchill's warnings and stood firm aga

[osint] "Hamas and the IRA"

2006-02-16 Thread Bruce Tefft
Hamas and the IRA by Asaf Romirowsky FrontPageMagazine.com February 14, 2006 http://www.meforum.org/article/896 When Palestinians revealed their true colors electing Hamas to 74 seats in the Palestinian Legislative Council, the Arab world was dumb-struck. An Islamist terror group had fi

[osint] Anti-Semitic Contest With a Twist

2006-02-16 Thread Bruce Tefft
Read the attached, then visit http://www.boomka.org/ to see the contest - then post to your heart's content! Wonderful response to rogues, eh? SPIEGEL ONLINE - February 15, 2006, 03:32 PM URL: http://www.spiegel.de/international/0,

[osint] The decline of the West

2006-02-16 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.jewishworldreview.com/cols/greenberg1.asp Paul Greenberg The decline of the West http://www.NewsAndOpinion.com | When future historians do their postmortem on the West, what will they cite as the cause

[osint] Saddam's WMD program revealed

2006-02-16 Thread Bruce Tefft
Nightline ABC revealed translated tapes of meetings Saddam held with his officials in which they describe how Iraq was hiding the true extent of its nuclear missile program and its development of biological and chemical agents. Apparently, these tapes do not reveal if Iraq had managed to crea

[osint] Appeasement 101

2006-02-16 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.jewishworldreview.com/0206/hanson021606.php3?printer_friendly Appeasement 101 By Victor Davis Hanson http://www.JewishWorldReview.com | It is easy to damn the 1930s appeasers of Hitler - such as Stanley Baldwin and Neville Chamberlain in En

[osint] Quote

2006-02-16 Thread Bruce Tefft
``He who dares not offend cannot be honest.`` Thomas Paine [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] -- Want to discuss this topic? Head on over to our discussion list, [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- Brooks Isoldi, editor [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[osint] Europe must fight

2006-02-16 Thread Bruce Tefft
Good for him...now will anyone listen? Bruce http://www.iht.com/articles/2006/02/15/news/union.php Barroso on riots: Europe must fight By Graham Bowley International Herald Tribune THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2006

[osint] BBC Spooked by Muslims

2006-02-16 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2006070635,00.html BBC Spooked by al-Qaeda MI5 drama ... Shaun Dingwall MI5 drama ... Shaun Dingwall

[osint] Red Sea ferry wreck found, search on for black box

2006-02-16 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://today.reuters.com/news/newsarticle.aspx?type=topNews &storyid=2006-02-16T171611Z_01_L1617534_RTRUKOC_0_US-EGYPT-FERRY.xml Red Sea ferry wreck found, searc

[osint] Hamas vows to disarm if Israel leaves their land

2006-02-16 Thread Bruce Tefft
Meaningless propaganda since terrorsit organization HAMAS considers all of Israel as "occupied" territories. This is a repeat of the call for the destruction of the state of Israel. Bruce _ From: Burch, Christa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2006 2:30 PM To: un

[osint] Colombia to bomb Farc guerrillas

2006-02-16 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4719460.stm Colombia to bomb Farc guerrillas Colombia is planning to launch air raids on a national park after six police officers were allegedly killed by guerrillas on Wednesday. The government said it was preparing to attack rebel positions in La Mac

[osint] Blair Wins Parliament Vote Criminalizing 'Glorification' of Terror

2006-02-16 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.nytimes.com/2006/02/16/international/europe/16britain.html?ex=114 0757200 &en=6d029af19ab4b2fb&ei=5070&emc=eta1 February 16, 2006 Blair Wins Parliament Vote C

[osint] 50 years to defeat al-Qaida: UK antiterror chief+

2006-02-16 Thread Bruce Tefft
Longer, if at all, if the West doesn't change tactics. Bruce http://www.tmcnet.com/usubmit/2006/02/16/1380167.htm [February 16, 2006] 50 years to defeat al-Qaida: antiterror chief+ (Japan Economic Newswire Via Thomson Dialog NewsEdge)LONDON, Feb. 16_(Kyodo) _ Britain's an

[osint] Women are to be tortured five times a day until they return to their senses - and to the peaceful religion of Islam.

2006-02-16 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.iranian.ws/iran_news/publish/article_13122.shtml A Christian Martyr in Iran Bahman Aghai Diba PhD International Law - Persian Journal Feb 10, 2006, 17:32 Bahman Aghai Diba

[osint] The Sex Trade: Prostituting Islam

2006-02-16 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://conservativegoddess.redstate.com/story/2006/2/11/4401/22990 The Sex Trade: Prostituting Islam By: ConservativeGoddess . Section: Diaries I was watch

[osint] Tariq Ramadan - Reformist or Islamist?

2006-02-16 Thread Bruce Tefft
Muslim Brotherhood terrorist. Bruce Inquiry & Analysis - Reform Project February 17, 2006 No. 266 Tariq Ramadan - Reformist or Islamist? By A. Dankowitz* To view this Inquiry & Analysis in HTML, visit: http://memri.org/bin/latestnews.cgi?ID=IA26606 . Egyptian journalist 'Adel Guindy publ

[osint] the Failure of Unilateral Tolerance in an Intolerant World

2006-02-16 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.city-journal.org/html/eon_11_15_04td.html Why Theo Van Gogh Was Murdered The filmmaker focused on the shameful abuse of Muslim women by Muslim men in Europe. | 15 November 2004 The slaughter of filmmaker Theo Van Gogh on the streets of Amsterdam, in broad daylight, by a young man of

[osint] An American terrorist living in Iran

2006-02-16 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.newyorker.com/fact/content/?020805fa_fact AN AMERICAN TERRORIST by IRA SILVERMAN He's an assassin who fled the country. Could he help Washington now? Issue of 2002-08-05 Posted 2002-07-29 On the evening of July 21, 1980, in Washington, D.C., Dawud Salahuddin, a twenty-nine-year-ol

[osint] Burn Muhammad?

2006-02-16 Thread Bruce Tefft
One might have thought, considering their glorious 1492 victories, the Spanish would be too macho to submit again to Islam...but they did cave and elect socialists after the Madrid train bombings. Bruce Don't Burn Muhammad By Paul Belien Created 2006-02-16 20:43 In 711 Muslim armies c

[osint] English-language Saudi daily publishes foremost Whabbi ideologue

2006-02-16 Thread Bruce Tefft
Thursday 16 February 2006 English-language Saudi daily publishes foremost Jihadi ideologue Judeoscope.ca - The English-language Saudi daily runs today a text authored by Sayyid Qutb, the Muslim Brotherhood's foremost Jihadi ideologue, executed in 1966 by Egypt's Nasser regime, charged with

[osint] Situational awareness- shooting the messengers

2006-02-16 Thread Bruce Tefft
On-line commentary...no URL. We are quick to blame others for information failures which often are 'disovered' all too late. Are we shooting the messengers? CIA was aware of ABC's WMD videos long before they aired, as it was of Atta's travels. There's lots of 'news' we don't 'need' to know.

[osint] Brooklyn: Locals Charged With Trying to Aid Terrorists

2006-02-16 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://1010wins.com/topstories/local_story_039191856.html Locals Charged With Trying to Aid Terrorists Feb 8, 2006 7:19 pm US/Eastern A Brooklyn bookstore owner and a Bronx jazz musician agreed soon after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks to try to help terrorists in Afghanistan buy weapons and

[osint] Man in al-Qaida Plot to Blow Up NJ Refinery

2006-02-16 Thread Bruce Tefft
So...now the FBI might admit that there ARE al-Qaeda cells in the US. Bruce http://1010wins.com/topstories/local_story_043092333.html Feds:Man in al-Qaida Plot to Blow Up NJ Refinery Feb 12, 2006 9:17 am US/Eastern Federal agents contend that a Wilkes-Barre man tried to work with al-

[osint] Prison Infiltration: Death Sentence for a Whistleblower

2006-02-16 Thread Bruce Tefft
Looks like this guy could use some help. Death Sentence for a Whistleblower By Joel Mowbray FrontPageMagazine.com | February 16, 2006 By the end of the month, Bureau of Prisons employee Joe Mansour faces what could well be a death sente

[osint] America And Political Islam: The Winner Is Political Islam

2006-02-17 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.jihadunspun.com/home.php? <

[osint] Hostage Negotiations

2006-02-17 Thread Bruce Tefft
_ Negotiations 101 No lengthy trials. No 15-20 years of appeals. No glamorizing of the SOB. No Hollywood narcissists making an icon of the degenerate and not uttering a word about the victim. "I have 3 demands or I'll kill the boy Negotiators assess the situation from next do

[osint] See no Evil

2006-02-17 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.benadorassociates.com/article/13198 This item is available on the Benador Associates website, at http://www.benadorassociates.com/article/13198 SEE NO EVIL by Arnaud de Borchgrave Washington Times March 15, 2005 The load for Customs and Border Protection is staggering: 80 mill

[osint] Calculated Outrage

2006-02-17 Thread Bruce Tefft
WSJ.com OpinionJournal Your friend Miss Cindy thought you might be interested in this article from OpinionJournal and forwarded it

[osint] Trying to Dim New York's Allure, at Least to Terrorists

2006-02-17 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.nytimes.com/2006/02/17/nyregion/17lives.html Trying to Dim New York's Allure, at Least to Terrorists (NYPD Assistant Commish of Counterterrorism) By ROBIN FINN - Friday, February 17th, 2006 N.Y. Times Considering his hefty credentials in the ever-expanding post-9/11 Ho

[osint] Canadian Sent to Syrian Jail has US Suit Dismissed

2006-02-17 Thread Bruce Tefft
February 16, 2006 Canadian Sent to Syrian Jail has US Suit Dismissed By REUTERS Filed at 5:36 p.m. ET NEW YORK (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Thursday dismissed a lawsuit filed by a Canadian citizen who was arrested by U.S. authorities at a New York airport and sent to Syria for interrogation

[osint] NYC Muslim group warns US: "Your Days are Numbered"

2006-02-17 Thread Bruce Tefft
al-Qaeda terrorist front organization. Bruce http://www.cbn.com/CBNnews/usnews/060216a.asp?option=print NYC Muslim Group Warns U.S.: 'Your Days are Numbered' By Erick Stakelbeck Washington Terror Analyst CBN.com - NEW YORK CITY - So far, the violent riots that ha

[osint] Unveiling of the Cartoons event in California

2006-02-18 Thread Bruce Tefft
Please forward this to anyone you may know in Southern California as well as any media and blogs: Tuesday, February 28th THE UNITED AMERICAN COMMITTEE together with THE COLLEGE REPUBLICANS PRESENTS: The Unveiling of the Cartoons & A Discussion To Confront Terror A panel discussion at U.C. Ir

[osint] Clinton in Pakistan: Convict cartoon publishers

2006-02-18 Thread Bruce Tefft
Clinton in Pakistan: Convict cartoon publishers Says press should not be allowed to criticize other faiths Posted: February 17, 2006 3:50 p.m. Eastern C 2006 WorldNetDaily.com Former President Bill Clinton today called for the conviction of European papers that published satirical cartoons of

[osint] Turning on the Light- al Fuqra Oct 18, 2005

2006-02-18 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://gatesofvienna.blogspot.com/2005/10/turning-on-light.html Tuesday, October 18, 2005 Turning on the Light A reader I’ll call Stefanie contacted me after my initial post on Jamaat ul-Fuqra. She has

[osint] ITALY: Suspected suicide bomber arrested

2006-02-18 Thread Bruce Tefft
Suspected suicide bomber arrested From: Agence France-Presse >From correspondents in Rome February 19, 2006 ITALIAN police have detained a young North African man in the northern city of Milan on suspicion of preparing a suicide attack overnight, the Ansa news agency said, quoting

[osint] 'The day is coming when British Muslims form a state within a state'

2006-02-18 Thread Bruce Tefft
Subversion from within...classic 5th column tactics. Bruce 'The day is coming when British Muslims form a state within a state' By Alasdair Palmer (Filed: 19/02/2006) Sunday Telegraph For the past two weeks, Patrick Sookhdeo has been canvassing the opinions of Muslim clerics in Britain on

[osint] Poll reveals 40pc of Muslims want sharia law in UK

2006-02-18 Thread Bruce Tefft
i .e. at least the 40% who did not lie on the poll would like to live under fundamentalism. Good indicator of the "radical" percentage of the population...the al-Qaeda supporters. -Bruce Poll reveals 40pc of Muslims want sharia law in UK By Patrick Hennessy and Melissa Kite (Filed: 19/02/200

[osint] Bush Admin Defends Muslim Control Over U.S. Ports

2006-02-18 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.newsradio88.com/pages/8176.php Posted: Thursday, 16 February 2006 5:59PM Bush Admin Defends UAE Firm's Control Over U.S. Ports WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Bush administration on Thursday rebuffed criticism about potential security risks of a $6.8 billion sale that gives a compan

[osint] What is sharia law?

2006-02-18 Thread Bruce Tefft
This is what HAMAS, Iran, bin Laden, the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda are all fighting for. Bruce What is sharia law? (Filed: 19/02/2006) Sunday Telegraph Sharia law is "the path that must be followed by a Muslim". It brings together elements from the Koran and the Hadith (a collection

[osint] GI, Widow Win $102.6M Judgment for Attack

2006-02-19 Thread Bruce Tefft
GI, Widow Win $102.6M Judgment for Attack By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Filed at 7:18 a.m. ET SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- A soldier wounded in Afghanistan and the widow of his slain comrade were awarded a $102.6 million judgment from the estate of a suspected al-Qaida financier. U.S. District Judge P

[osint] CNN Bias Exposed!

2006-02-19 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://michellemalkin.com/archives/004504.htm Last week we noted CNN's latest excuse for not showing images of the Danish Mohammed cartoons: "CNN is not showing the negative caricatures of the likeness of Prophet Mohammed because the network be

[osint] Suicide Bombers Warn U.S., U.K. of Attacks

2006-02-19 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory?id=1637335 Suicide Bombers Warn U.S., U.K. of Attacks By NASSER KARIMI Associated Press Writer TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- An Iranian group that claims its members are dedicated to becoming suicide bombers warned the United States and Britain on Satu

[osint] Historian contends jihadists are trying to make the world fit Islam

2006-02-19 Thread Bruce Tefft
Well, of course they are, that is exactly what Islam is all about...no secret here..didn't everyone know this? Bruce _ HoustonChronicle.com -- http://www.HoustonChronicle.com | Section: Book reviews Feb. 17, 2006, 5:52P

[osint] Muslims Assault U.S. Embassy in Indonesia, attack Christians

2006-02-19 Thread Bruce Tefft
Muslims Assault US Embassy in Indonesia February 19, 2006 Muslims Assault U.S. Embassy in Indonesia By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Filed at 10:53 a.m. ET JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) -- Hundreds of Muslims protesting caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad tried to storm the U.S. Embassy on Sunday, smas

[osint] Grizzly Report: We Are At War.

2006-02-19 Thread Bruce Tefft
Saturday, February 18, 2006 Grizzly Report: We Are At War. It pains me to say it. There was a sliver of me that wanted to believe my President when he told me that Islam is the 'Religion of Peace.' We attended the meeting sponsored by Cair-Philly at U.Penn. The panelists included Sofia Me

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