[osint] Today's Headlines: Senate Approves Limiting Rights of U.S. Detainees

2005-11-11 Thread Seeker8143
Senate Approves Limiting Rights of U.S. Detainees By ERIC SCHMITT The Senate voted to strip captured "enemy combatants" at Guantánamo Bay of the ability to challenge their detentions in U.S. courts. _http://www.nytimes.com/2005/11/11/politics/11detain.html?th&emc=th_ (http://www.nytimes.c

[osint] Jihad in Europe?

2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://frontpagemag.com/Articles/ReadArticle.asp?ID=20107 Jihad in Europe? By Robert Spencer FrontPageMagazine.com | November 8, 2005 Has an intifada begun in France - an all-out jihad? Are the French facing what is by now, as the riots are well into their second week and have engulfed virt

[osint] French rioters use Web, cell phones to incite

2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Tefft
Obvious but with maybe interesting snippets, ... also see neat interactive technology that has precreated networks via C/net, .. Also seem France let the riots run, and kept up the arresting thus getting more in the "Dragnet" ... http://news.com.com/French+rioters+use+Web%2C+cell+phone

[osint] France Mainstream Media as bad as the US

2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://media.guardian.co.uk/site/story/0%2C14173%2C1639538%2C00.html French TV boss admits censoring riot coverage Claire Cozens in Amsterdam Thursday November 10, 2005 One of France's leading TV news executives has admitted censoring his coverage of the riots in the country for fear of encour

[osint] Falluja-Sur-Seine? There's a reason the media is reluctant to connect the dots on the French riots

2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/006/332gzdsd.asp?p g=2 Falluja-Sur-Seine? There's a reason the media is reluctant to connect the dots on the French riots. by Edward Morrissey 11/09/2005 12:00:00 AM WHEN THE MEDIA began covering the spreading violence in France, it appea

[osint] Senate Approves Limiting Rights of U.S. Detainees

2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Tefft
This illustrates the whole problem of trying to bring the "WAR" on terrorism and "detainees" into the justice system. How many court cases did German, Italian and Japanese POWs initiate in WWII? How many were released prior to the end of hostilities? Same principles should apply now...detainees

[osint] France Says Extremists Are Enlisting Its Citizens

2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/10/18/AR2005101801 632_pf.html washingtonpost.com France Says Extremists Are Enlisting Its Citizens Police Assert Some Trained in Mideast Could Attack Paris By John Ward Anderson Washington Post Foreig

[osint] What Amman Bombings Indicate

2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Tefft
Subject: DEBKA November 9, 2005, 11:45 PM (GMT+02:00) The suicide attacks on three US-owned five-star hotels popular with Westerners in Amman Wednesday night, Nov. 9, points to four disturbing manifestations: 1. The constant US offensives on al Qaeda sanctuaries in Iraq have not been able t

[osint] Insight into Iran's ongoing support for terrorism.

2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Tefft
The Cicero Article A German magazine offers insight into Iran's ongoing support for terrorism. by Dan Darling 11/10/2005 12:00:00 AM WHILE IRANIAN PRESIDENT Mahmood Ahmadinejad's recent call to wipe Israel off the map has elicited a great deal of much-needed international condemnation, relativ

[osint] Muslim Brotherhood seeks autonomy in France

2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://weeklystandard.com/Content/Public/Articles/000/000/006/332gzdsd.asp?p g=2 John Ward Anderson wrote this dispatch, and the Washington Post published it, eight days prior to the start of the two-week insurrection that has now spread to over 300 cities in France. Various media reports have d

[osint] Violence Spills Across France: Officials see signs of coordination.

2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-fg-riots6nov06,0,2405743,pr int.story?coll=la-home-headlines On the 10th Day, Violence Spills Across France Marchers in a poor suburb of Paris plea for an end to the rioting, but arson attacks spread. Officials see signs of coordination. By


2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Tefft
NOVEMBER 11TH / SEPTEMBER 11TH Two dates 92 years apart. One date signifying an armistice, the other a birth of a new war. Security seems so ephemeral. During WWI America and her allies were fighting on foreign soil to provide security for their home front. Today it is pretty similar; Am

[osint] Why the Islamists may well succeed

2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://jewishworldreview.com/1105/jkelly111005.php3 Why the Islamists may well succeed By Jack Kelly http://www.JewishWorldReview.com | As the French intifada spreads

[osint] derSpiegel: French Lessons for Europe?

2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Tefft
I guess the "French Lessons" aren't being learned by the editorial writers of der Spiegel. Just search this piece for "islam*", "moslem", "arab" or "muslim". No mention. I guess we're left to wonder once again whether the rioters are disaffected Methodists or Buddhists or those perennial nih

[osint] INDONESIA: "Some Indonesians See Militants as Heroes"

2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Tefft
Must be Muslims! Bruce November 11, 2005 Some Indonesians See Militants as Heroes: Official By REUTERS Filed at 1:56 a.m. ET JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesia needs more cooperation from the public to track down Islamic militants who are sometimes regarded as heroes in the world's most populous Mu

[osint] NETHERLANDS: "For Public Figures,Terror Becomes a Personal Concern"

2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Tefft
For Public Figures in Netherlands, Terror Becomes a Personal Concern By Craig Whitlock Washington Post Foreign Service Friday, November 11, 2005; A14 LEIDEN, Netherlands -- As Prof. Afshin Ellian arrived at Leiden University law school one day recently, two bodyguards hustled him through the en

[osint] Anti-Terror Flood Bot being used to shut down terror sites

2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Tefft
A really dumb, bad idea in a long list of dumb ideas. Bruce "Anti-Terror Flood Bot" is new method in taking down terrorist websites. It appears to be very effective as these guys have abandoned ship quickly. Only problem is that this group of terrorists out of Chechnya will simply re-ope

[osint] EGYPT: The Muslim Brotherhood Conundrum

2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Tefft
The MB conundrum Amira Howeidy examines the shifting relationship between the state and Muslim Brotherhood [From: Al-Ahram Weekly (Cairo),Issue No. 768, 10 - 16 November 2005] The Muslim Brotherhood's ubiquitous presence has been one of the dominating features of the parliamentary elections, si

[osint] "Clandestine Ties to Jordan Aid CIA Operations in Middle East"

2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Tefft
11:31 PM PST, November 10, 2005 Clandestine Ties to Jordan Aid CIA Operations in Middle East By Ken Silverstein, Times Staff Writer [From: Los Angeles Times] WASHINGTON - The suicide bombers who struck three Western hotels in Amman, Jordan, this week also were targeting the increasingl

[osint] More vehicles burn in French unrest as Chirac says lessons must be learnt

2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Tefft
Fine, if the right lessons are learnt, appeasement is not one of them. Bruce More vehicles burn in French unrest as Chirac says lessons must be learnt PARIS : More vehicles were set alight in suburban violence in France after President Jacques Chirac said the country needed to

[osint] UPI: Ex-Hill staffer tapped for DHS drug post

2005-11-11 Thread Shaun Waterman
Please find below an example of UPI's continuing coverage of the Department of Homeland Security. I hope you find it interesting. You may link http://www.upi.com/inc/view.php?StoryID=2005-030750-6589r Subscribers to UPI's Security and Terrorism service receive 12-15 short items

[osint] How putting NYPD cop in Jordan paid off

2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Tefft
How putting NYPD cop in Jordan paid off By ALISON GENDAR - Friday, November 11th, 2005 N.Y. Daily News The NYPD learned how suicide bombers launched their assault in Amman and what kinds of materials they used in record time, thanks to a city cop stationed in Jordan. The NYPD gave the Da

[osint] Last moments of Amman bombers recalled

2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Tefft
These two accounts sound like the bombers were sort of half-assed in their approach and execution -- but they did still get the job done (if in a more limited way than they'd hoped.) These two witness statements account for the great disparity in the body counts between the Days/Hyatt and the

[osint] Iran Warns Against Growth of Islamophobia in West

2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Tefft
Of course Islamaphobia is only an "irrational" fear of Islam...a rational fear of Islam is quite normal and intelligent. Bruce _ From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, November 11, 2005 1:52 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [StrategicTranslations] November

[osint] RE: More vehicles burn in French unrest as Chirac says lessons must be learnt

2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Tefft
_ He's going to need to learn to speak Arabic and pray five times a day... _ Subject: More vehicles burn in French unrest as Chirac says lessons must be learnt More vehicles burn in French unrest as Chirac says lessons must be learnt PARIS : More vehicles we

[osint] Indonesia: Still dangerous and elusive ( - excellent analysis - )

2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Tefft
Note: This article also contains photos of the JI terrorists on the run. N Still dangerous and elusive By SHEFALI REKHI Straits Times November 11, 2005 http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2005/11/11/focus/12568837

[osint] I Spy With My Little Eye . . .

2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Tefft
As usual, Gerecht is dead right. Bruce THE PLAME KERFUFFLE I Spy With My Little Eye . . . . . . something beginning with the letter S. (Answer: Sloppy spooks.) BY REUEL MARC GERECHT Wednesday, November 9, 2005 12:01 a.m. EST "And they [CIA employees] have to expect that when they

[osint] Shanghai group to release list of common terrorist targets - Xinhua

2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Tefft
Shanghai group to release list of common terrorist targets www.chinaview.cn 2005-11-09 18:49:00 BEIJING, Nov. 9 (Xinhuanet) -- A security group led by China, Russia and four central Asian countries agreed to soon release a list of regional terrorists and terrorist organiz


2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Tefft
This is clear proof Al Zarqawi screwed up big time it is from one of the ranking members of the Muslim Brotherhood, the underlying intellectual basis of Al Qaeda and to which al Zawahiri has been a life-long member.Note that it warns Al Zarqawi that he failed to meet even the minimum of the req

[osint] 'Mother ship' behind pirate raids

2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Tefft
'Mother ship' behind pirate raids Pirate attacks off Somalia's coast are being organised from command vessels, or "mother ships", the International Maritime Bureau (IMB) has said. It says speedboats are being launched from ships that prowl the routes of the Indian Ocean, searching for targets

[osint] Mastermind had '30 bombs

2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/4423814.stm Mastermind had '30 bombs' From: By staff writers and wires November 10, 2005 A man scrambles for covering during the Azahari raid / Reuters THIRTY bombs, primed and ready to explode, have been found in the house where terror suspect Azahar

[osint] FW: Al-Qaida ops busted

2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Tefft
http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=47326 i wish they would say where HOMELAND INSECURITY Al-Qaida ops busted at Mexican border? Congresswoman drops bomb in announcing bill to halt issuance of driver's licenses to illegals --

[osint] Islamist lawyer: Ireland could be targeted

2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Tefft
lesyndication.com/pagead/imp.gif?event=noiframe&client=c a-pub-1787672658759074&dt=1131745767024&lmt=1131745767&prev_fmts=300x250_as& format=120x90_0ads_al_s&output=html&channel=0341850049&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww. sciencedaily.com%2Fupi%2F%3Ffeed%3DTopNews%26article%


2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Tefft
TERRORISM: AL-QAEDA MOUTHPIECE WARNS OF NEW JIHADI WEAPON Rome, 10 Nov. (AKI) - As Jordan suffers the consequences for its friendship with the US and stance on Israel, intelligence experts have been dissecting a message from the al-Qaeda mouthpiece the Global Islamic Media Front (GIMF), unveilin

[osint] Next terrorism mastermind more dangerous than Azahari

2005-11-11 Thread Bruce Tefft
Next terrorism mastermind more dangerous than Azahari: Report www.chinaview.cn 2005-11-11 03:38:42 http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2005-11/11/content_3768753.htm KUALA LUMPUR, Nov. 11 (Xinhuanet) -- Another Jemaah Islamiyah member Noordin Mohd Top, who is likely to succeed