Re: OST for Office Conflict. Yes or No?

2006-09-03 Thread Larry Peterson

This is where I would have further conversation with the sponsor about
the Open Space portion of the "training" particularly given the small
size of the group.  

Has the "manager" (your client), made up his/her mind about the two
employees.  Is the manager open to hearing things that would change
their mind?  If not, I wouldn't want to Open the Space and the sponsor
is not willing for it to be open.  If the mind is made up, then it would
set false expectations of the participants.  If becoming a team of 6 is
not possible, then putting forward the idea will impact the whole team,
not just the two.  If there is a possibility, then the OST might help it
to happen or confirm that it cannot -- the truth will emerge (the dead
moose).  The sponsor needs to know this and make a tough decision if
necessary.  If the sponsor is unwilling to make tough decisions, then
you've got more issues on your hands.

As well, to what extent is the sponsor willing to allow the ideas that
come forward to get applied/put into action. It that only his/her
decision?   Even with a tight timing, having some conversation with the
sponsor about the realities of the event can help a good decision to
emerge.  Ultimately, the sponsor will hold the bag for creating false
hopes or alienating other team members who end up staying.

Just some thoughts off the top.


Larry Peterson
Associates in Transformation
Toronto, ON, Canada

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Re: OST for Office Conflict. Yes or No?

2006-09-03 Thread Harrison Owen
I never quite ran into what you are confronting Elwin -- but close. Did an OS 
for the regional directors of a large non-profit. They all knew, but nobody 
told me, that THE issue was the Executive Director. Nice person but definitely 
time to GO. Needless to say, in Open Space everything hung out there. Got 
pretty exciting, but before we were through a group had called the Executive 
Dirtector. Never did find out how it all turned out, but the organization is 
still there and doing fine. Seemed to work its way through. 


Harrison Owen
7808 River Falls Dr.
Potomac, MD  20854
207-763-3261 (summer)
Personal Website

  - Original Message - 
  From: Joelle Lyons Everett 
  Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2006 12:15 AM
  Subject: Re: OST for Office Conflict. Yes or No?


  Paul and I opened space with a group who chose a similar theme to what you 
propose--we were gratified that many difficult topics were posted and 
discussed, including the difficult management style of a mid-level manager who 
had chosen not to be present.  Lots of recommendations that pretty much 
demanded that the leadership team take action.

  You AND your sponsors will have to be prepared to be surprised.  I believe 
that just creating an opportunity for subjects of choice to be talked about 
openly will make a difference.

  In another context, a key staff member resigned (to move to another city) the 
night before I facilitated an all-day meeting with the group.  They decided to 
begin by developing hiring criteria for replacing the person who was leaving, 
and future new hires.  The hour or two they spent on that conversation has 
proved to be a wonderful investment in their more-joyful future.

  Best of luck--I know that they called you on this assignment for good reason!

  Joelle * * == -- To subscribe, 
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Re: OST for Office Conflict. Yes or No?

2006-08-31 Thread Joelle Lyons Everett

Paul and I opened space with a group who chose a similar theme to what you 
propose--we were gratified that many difficult topics were posted and 
including the difficult management style of a mid-level manager who had 
chosen not to be present.   Lots of recommendations that pretty much demanded 
the leadership team take action.

You AND your sponsors will have to be prepared to be surprised.   I believe 
that just creating an opportunity for subjects of choice to be talked about 
openly will make a difference.

In another context, a key staff member resigned (to move to another city) the 
night before I facilitated an all-day meeting with the group.   They decided 
to begin by developing hiring criteria for replacing the person who was 
leaving, and future new hires.   The hour or two they spent on that 
conversation has 
proved to be a wonderful investment in their more-joyful future.

Best of luck--I know that they called you on this assignment for good reason!


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Re: OST for Office Conflict. Yes or No?

2006-08-30 Thread Brendan McKeague

In my understanding, 'perfection' is the inclusion of 
'imperfection'and sounds as though there's a bit of that here.
and if this is truly their space, sponsored by 'the boss', then it's 
over to them
Now that you know what the sponsor's real agenda is, any chance of 
creating a new and more authentic question?
If the real agenda is included in the question, everyone might be 
surprised by what happens in the space...both the targeted (or maybe 
even scapegoated) employee and the new boss
From afar (so much easier to suggest) - I'd seek to create the most 
authentic space possible for them to take responsibility for whatever 
happensif the sponsor is unwilling to reshape the 'invitation', 
I'd look to a different process.

I too wish you well in the discernment.

 On the other hand this might be a perfect OST opportunity.

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Re: OST for Office Conflict. Yes or No?

2006-08-30 Thread douglas germann

A few years back before I knew about OS, I had a similar event. We had
10 or 12 employees and there was one bad boy--who happened to be the
boyfriend of the mother of one of the owners of the business!

We called a listening stick circle. I gave them some questions for warm
up like "Tell us what you would do if you had a free day and money and
freedom enough to do anything." 

Then after one or two of those we got into something along the lines of
"How can we work better together?" It went around the circle with a mix
of These are my best friends in the world, If there were a need in
another department, I'd jump right in, and Well, if the boss asked me I
would help out, but not on my own initiative. It came around to the bad
boy near the end and he let it be known he didn't much care for the
other folks. And they didn't act too upset by that. No blows, but people
pretty much knew where everyone else stood.

I called my client a week later and the bad boy had resigned his job.

Not exactly Open Space, but not exactly a firing either. 

:- Doug. Germann
What wants to happen in your

On Tue, 2006-08-29 at 14:31 -0700, Elwin and Joan wrote:
>  Dear Colleagues,
> A few days back, while I was on assignment in Ethiopia, a consulting
> firm I have long association with emailed to say they needed me to
> cover a 2 day management training and team building job with a US Gov’t
> office in DC.
> Fair enough I thought. The consulting firm knows me well and our
> history together has always been one of success.
> I asked for and received a Statement of Work (SOW) that was the usual
> referencing of interactive approaches to building cooperation, respect
> and a sense of teamwork.
> Based on the SOW, I wrote a proposal for a 1 1/2 day Open Space
> conference with the theme, “Looking for Opportunities to Improve Our
> Teamwork”.  
> The proposal was accepted by the client.
>  I am now Stateside. I just talked with the client and things look
> pretty ugly. 
> I now  know the “real” interest in this exercise is to get rid of one
> or two of the office employees. These two people are viewed by a new
> management (my clients) as subversives, if not terrorists. The new boss
> wants them “gone.”
> In 5 days I am scheduled to do this Open Space with six employees
> including the boss.
> I am not at all reluctant to change my proposal and do my “hard hat”
> management consultant routine. 
>  On the other hand this might be a perfect OST opportunity.
> What say you?
> eg
> Elwin Guild
> Future Development International
> Baltimore
> *
> *
> ==
> --
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Re: OST for Office Conflict. Yes or No?

2006-08-30 Thread Zelle Nelson

Hello Elwin,

I have facilitated an Open Space where one of the resulting actions  
was a key person leaving a position of leadership and the group.

I did not know about the conflict going into the os - I was actually  
filling in for Chris Weaver when a family need came up for him which  
conflicted with the scheduled os.

The situation i was in seems different, but I'll offer my story:

The group was a 12 member council putting together a conference in  
North Carolina called Earth Spirit Rising. I found out later - a year  
or two - that there were several people in the group who had done  
some pretty powerful group processes in their lifetimes, a real  
asset. One of the members, a man who had done a great deal of primary  
groundwork on the project and was deeply invested, was in conflict  
with some of the other members, and was having some personal issues  
to deal with on his own.

Right from the beginning after opening the space the issue of the  
conflict between the man I mentioned and the group flared up. Some of  
the group wanted this man to leave, others had tacit support for him,  
and others wanted the best for the project and the conference, and  
the man was conflicted himself about whether he wanted to leave or  
not, but at the beginning was resisting being thrown out. Everyone  
turned to me to directly facilitate the conflict, and I told them  
that it was now there meeting, their passion, their responsibility to  
deal with the most pressing issues as adults. And I left the room,  
essentially opening more space.

It was hard to leave the room and let them proceed without me, but it  
was the best thing I could have done.

I returned after about an hour to see how they were doing. They  
survived, they self-organized. The man in the center of the conflict  
ended up deciding it was best for him and the group to leave the  
project. The group as a whole created and dealt with an exit plan/ 
transition strategy.

And then a beautiful, powerful moment unfolded as the group designed  
a parting ritual that took place in the middle of the circle, with  
the man in the center surrounded in circle by the rest of the group.  
And they thanked him for his contribution and together they found  

I don't know what will happen with your project, but I've found Open  
Space to provide a very powerful container for conflict, drama,  
passion and responsibility.

So, whatever you decide to do, prepare to be surprised!

with grace and love,


Zelle Nelson
Know Place Like Home/Engaging the Soul@Work/State of Grace Document

work/home: (001) 828.693.0802
mobile: (001) 847.951.7030

Isle of Skye
2021 Greenville Hwy
Flat Rock, NC 28731

On Aug 29, 2006, at 5:31 PM, Elwin and Joan wrote:

Dear Colleagues,

A few days back, while I was on assignment in Ethiopia, a consulting
firm I have long association with emailed to say they needed me to
cover a 2 day management training and team building job with a US  

office in DC.

Fair enough I thought. The consulting firm knows me well and our
history together has always been one of success.

I asked for and received a Statement of Work (SOW) that was the usual
referencing of interactive approaches to building cooperation, respect
and a sense of teamwork.

Based on the SOW, I wrote a proposal for a 1 1/2 day Open Space
conference with the theme, “Looking for Opportunities to Improve Our

The proposal was accepted by the client.

 I am now Stateside. I just talked with the client and things look
pretty ugly.

I now  know the “real” interest in this exercise is to get rid of one
or two of the office employees. These two people are viewed by a new
management (my clients) as subversives, if not terrorists. The new  

wants them “gone.”

In 5 days I am scheduled to do this Open Space with six employees
including the boss.

I am not at all reluctant to change my proposal and do my “hard hat”
management consultant routine.

 On the other hand this might be a perfect OST opportunity.

What say you?


Elwin Guild
Future Development International

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Re: OST for Office Conflict. Yes or No?

2006-08-30 Thread Elwin and Joan
Dear Zelle, Brendan, Michael P., Chris, Kerry, Birgitt, Jaime and
Michael H.,

Much love and thanks to each of you for the incredibly helpful
comments, suggestions and questions you replied with. Your support
represents the true nature of Open Space and warms my heart and feeds
my Spirit.

I am going full speed ahead with Open Space and have dropped the “Team
Building” theme and replaced it with one that invites the participants
to “explore ways to bring joy and satisfaction to the workday!”

I’ll let you know what happens. Be prepared to be.. aw you know the
rest! :-)


Elwin Guild
Future Development International

--- Zelle Nelson  wrote:

> Hello Elwin,
> I have facilitated an Open Space where one of the resulting actions  
> was a key person leaving a position of leadership and the group.
> I did not know about the conflict going into the os - I was actually 
> filling in for Chris Weaver when a family need came up for him which 
> conflicted with the scheduled os.
> The situation i was in seems different, but I'll offer my story:
> The group was a 12 member council putting together a conference in  
> North Carolina called Earth Spirit Rising. I found out later - a year
> or two - that there were several people in the group who had done  
> some pretty powerful group processes in their lifetimes, a real  
> asset. One of the members, a man who had done a great deal of primary
> groundwork on the project and was deeply invested, was in conflict  
> with some of the other members, and was having some personal issues  
> to deal with on his own.
> Right from the beginning after opening the space the issue of the  
> conflict between the man I mentioned and the group flared up. Some of
> the group wanted this man to leave, others had tacit support for him,
> and others wanted the best for the project and the conference, and  
> the man was conflicted himself about whether he wanted to leave or  
> not, but at the beginning was resisting being thrown out. Everyone  
> turned to me to directly facilitate the conflict, and I told them  
> that it was now there meeting, their passion, their responsibility to
> deal with the most pressing issues as adults. And I left the room,  
> essentially opening more space.
> It was hard to leave the room and let them proceed without me, but it
> was the best thing I could have done.
> I returned after about an hour to see how they were doing. They  
> survived, they self-organized. The man in the center of the conflict 
> ended up deciding it was best for him and the group to leave the  
> project. The group as a whole created and dealt with an exit plan/ 
> transition strategy.
> And then a beautiful, powerful moment unfolded as the group designed 
> a parting ritual that took place in the middle of the circle, with  
> the man in the center surrounded in circle by the rest of the group. 
> And they thanked him for his contribution and together they found  
> healing.
> I don't know what will happen with your project, but I've found Open 
> Space to provide a very powerful container for conflict, drama,  
> passion and responsibility.
> So, whatever you decide to do, prepare to be surprised!
> with grace and love,
> Zelle
> Zelle Nelson
> Know Place Like Home/Engaging the Soul@Work/State of Grace Document
> work/home: (001) 828.693.0802
> mobile: (001) 847.951.7030
> Isle of Skye
> 2021 Greenville Hwy
> Flat Rock, NC 28731
> On Aug 29, 2006, at 5:31 PM, Elwin and Joan wrote:
> > Dear Colleagues,
> >
> > A few days back, while I was on assignment in Ethiopia, a
> consulting
> > firm I have long association with emailed to say they needed me to
> > cover a 2 day management training and team building job with a US  
> > Gov’t
> > office in DC.
> >
> > Fair enough I thought. The consulting firm knows me well and our
> > history together has always been one of success.
> >
> > I asked for and received a Statement of Work (SOW) that was the
> usual
> > referencing of interactive approaches to building cooperation,
> respect
> > and a sense of teamwork.
> >
> > Based on the SOW, I wrote a proposal for a 1 1/2 day Open Space
> > conference with the theme, “Looking for Opportunities to Improve
> Our
> > Teamwork”.
> >
> > The proposal was accepted by the client.
> >
> >  I am now Stateside. I just talked with the client and things look
> > pretty ugly.
> >
> > I now  know the “real” interest in this exercise is to get rid of
> one
> > or two of the office employees. These two people are viewed by a
> new
> > management (my clients) as subversives, if not terrorists. The new 
> > boss
> > wants them “gone.”
> >
> > In 5 days I am scheduled to do this Open Space with six employees
> > including the boss.
> >
> > I am not at

Re: OST for Office Conflict. Yes or No?

2006-08-30 Thread Michael M Pannwitz

Dear eg,
seems a wonderfult ost-gathering opportunity.
Especially, if some of the preconditions for open space were looked at 
once before the event:

-high complexity, that appears to be in place
-diversity, that seems to need expansion
-urgency and open question, that appears ok, hidden agendas are always there
-conflict, plenty, so that seems fine
Diversity, from where I stand, also has to do with getting "the whole 
system" into the room. In the "planning sessions" which I pretty much 
insist on having with a client I ask "Who all needs to be invited to the 
meeting so that what we hope for as an outcome under the heading we have 
chosen actually can be worked on productively"...that often expands 
diversity and gets more of the system together.

Lets hear how it went
Greetings from Berlin

Elwin and Joan wrote:

Dear Colleagues,

A few days back, while I was on assignment in Ethiopia, a consulting
firm I have long association with emailed to say they needed me to
cover a 2 day management training and team building job with a US Gov’t
office in DC.

Fair enough I thought. The consulting firm knows me well and our
history together has always been one of success.

I asked for and received a Statement of Work (SOW) that was the usual
referencing of interactive approaches to building cooperation, respect
and a sense of teamwork.

Based on the SOW, I wrote a proposal for a 1 1/2 day Open Space
conference with the theme, “Looking for Opportunities to Improve Our

The proposal was accepted by the client.

 I am now Stateside. I just talked with the client and things look
pretty ugly. 

I now  know the “real” interest in this exercise is to get rid of one
or two of the office employees. These two people are viewed by a new
management (my clients) as subversives, if not terrorists. The new boss
wants them “gone.”

In 5 days I am scheduled to do this Open Space with six employees
including the boss.

I am not at all reluctant to change my proposal and do my “hard hat”
management consultant routine. 

 On the other hand this might be a perfect OST opportunity.

What say you?


Elwin Guild
Future Development International

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Re: OST for Office Conflict. Yes or No?

2006-08-30 Thread kerry napuk


Well, well, I wondered why they asked you, an old hand at group work 
in far flung places, to do one on your doorstep.

Guess you have two choices: First, refuse to facilitate on principle 
that it perverts the spirit of Open Space with a hidden agenda; or 
second, do it.

If you do it, is there any possibility you have made the wrong 
assumption about the sponsor?  Is there a chance the sponsor might be 
undone during the process and be thwarted?  Might other people defend 
the potential victims?  Who knows what might happen.

On the other hand, the process could be used to keep everyone in line 
in the future.

Looks like a gamble either way.  At least the event might bring 
everything into the open.   Anyway, the sponsor would try and do what 
they wanted behind the scenes.

Please let us know what you do about this dilemma and especially what happens

Good luck!  .

All the very best


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Re: OST for Office Conflict. Yes or No?

2006-08-29 Thread Chris Corrigan

Tricky and not much to add to what others have said except to wonder why
these two HAVEN'T been fired yet, and what is stopping that from happening?

If it was me, I'd probably opt to take a strong recommednation that we
figure out together how to have the real conversation.  Discerning what that
truth is is a tricky proposition, but  it sounds like there is another
conversation to be had, otherwise the firings would have already happened.

Hard to speculate, from afar, but those are a couple of thoughts.  Good luck
with your decision.


On 8/29/06, kerry napuk  wrote:


Well, well, I wondered why they asked you, an old hand at group work
in far flung places, to do one on your doorstep.

Guess you have two choices: First, refuse to facilitate on principle
that it perverts the spirit of Open Space with a hidden agenda; or
second, do it.

If you do it, is there any possibility you have made the wrong
assumption about the sponsor?  Is there a chance the sponsor might be
undone during the process and be thwarted?  Might other people defend
the potential victims?  Who knows what might happen.

On the other hand, the process could be used to keep everyone in line
in the future.

Looks like a gamble either way.  At least the event might bring
everything into the open.   Anyway, the sponsor would try and do what
they wanted behind the scenes.

Please let us know what you do about this dilemma and especially what

Good luck!  .

All the very best


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Re: OST for Office Conflict. Yes or No?

2006-08-29 Thread Birgitt Williams
This sounds to me like something requiring some quiet reflection time by
yourself, listening to your inner wisdom. It is an ethical matter and
only you can know what it is that is right for you.

Birgitt Williams

-Original Message-
From: OSLIST [] On Behalf Of Elwin
and Joan
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 5:31 PM
Subject: OST for Office Conflict. Yes or No?

Dear Colleagues,

A few days back, while I was on assignment in Ethiopia, a consulting
firm I have long association with emailed to say they needed me to
cover a 2 day management training and team building job with a US Gov’t
office in DC.

Fair enough I thought. The consulting firm knows me well and our
history together has always been one of success.

I asked for and received a Statement of Work (SOW) that was the usual
referencing of interactive approaches to building cooperation, respect
and a sense of teamwork.

Based on the SOW, I wrote a proposal for a 1 1/2 day Open Space
conference with the theme, “Looking for Opportunities to Improve Our

The proposal was accepted by the client.

 I am now Stateside. I just talked with the client and things look
pretty ugly. 

I now  know the “real” interest in this exercise is to get rid of one
or two of the office employees. These two people are viewed by a new
management (my clients) as subversives, if not terrorists. The new boss
wants them “gone.”

In 5 days I am scheduled to do this Open Space with six employees
including the boss.

I am not at all reluctant to change my proposal and do my “hard hat”
management consultant routine. 

 On the other hand this might be a perfect OST opportunity.

What say you?


Elwin Guild
Future Development International

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Re: OST for Office Conflict. Yes or No?

2006-08-29 Thread Jaime Pedreros

Hello Elwin,

It is a nice opportunity to give my perspective about this
seems-to-meet-in-conflict OS gathering.

Few months ago I faced a similar situation when a company called me for
carrying out a needs assessment job for designing a program to improve the
team working environment. What I did not know was that the manager was
wanting to fire two workers; one of them was his assistant manager who
happened to be on vacation at the moment of the diagnosis.

It is my guess the boss's desire is to put the 2 person "in evidence"
perhaps on their attitude towards working as a team or on some other similar
aspect. This is an everyday situation in South America. Some questions came
to my mind i.e. why did this office choose a training event/conference to
have or to look for a reason? Why did the new boss (or someone else) give
you this information? What are his/her expectations about the event, the
outcome and your performance? How is he/she going to relate your
conference/outcome with having these 2 person gone? Are you going to be used
by the boss? Perhaps you would not want to know the answers…

I work consistently on Human Relations and make an extensive use of
Transactional Analysis tools. If you have a chance, take a look to Eric
Berne's *Games People Play*. One of these games is one called "got you damn
it!" or something like that; when someone with power (the pursuer) gives
confidence and a sense of trust to a subordinate (the victim) so this person
acts freely and according to his/her own convictions just to provide the
necessary evidence for not so evident pursuer's purposes. The triangle is
completed by the rescuer/savior (perhaps you) and in some instances the
pursuer turns against the savior if things do not go as desired. Did you
find something similar to your situation?

In fact Open Space gives the perfect setting; *be prepared to be
surprised*and take care to warn everybody about this (including

Good luck!


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Re: OST for Office Conflict. Yes or No?

2006-08-29 Thread Michael Herman

wow.  guess you'll earn your fee on this one, elwin.  my two (or three) cents...

first, i'm not sure how having an open space meeting will advance the
outing of this/these folks.  i can imagine that they could convene a
meeting on the "future" and not invite them.  i can imagine letting
them go, and then having the meeting to get on with life and work.
but i can't yet figure how the exiting would be accomplished *in* or
by the open space.

i can imagine how the might leave as the result of any number of
outcomes in the meeting, but i can't see how the meeting in open space
could be made to *cause* the desired departures.  closest i can come
is that everybody has to sign up for actions at the end and the
targets don't follow through, thus marking themselves for the boot.
of course, this only works if everybody else does accomplish their
things... and it seems that nothing is ever as clean and clear as "i
did all my actions and you did none of yours."  so even this scenario
seems no better than where they must already be.

next, i wonder if there are any conditions under which the mgmt would
be glad (or willing) to have them stay.  if so, then seems best to
name those and see if folks will step up.  of course, if there is no
possibility of trust, your terrorist comment, then i don't suppose any
promises would be accepted.  if there are absolutely no conditions
that redeem the situation for six, then maybe best to get on with the
ones they really want to work with.

then again, if these one or two can't be cut directly and immediately,
then for now, they are *in*.  the place does still have some future
and there is still some question about how that future will unfold,
and probably some things the mgmt wants to pull out of the brains of
these two.  may be that there are some things these two still want to
say or try or finish in the story. so if they can't be cut now, then
they're in, and the whole gang goes forward to see what kind of
surprises might show up.

seems to me that rules are same as ever, just harder to follow.  tell
all the truth they can up front, about past disputes, current
preferences, differences of opinion, conditions for employment,
whatever... and then lay it all on the line, er.. wall.  and see what
teh future brings.  even better if there is some common ground of
'respect' or 'peace' or 'good relations' or some common ground of
'grace' that everyone wishes to maintain... some version of "looking
for future that is best for each individual, the whole of the
organization, and all the people it might serve."

go for it?


On 8/29/06, Elwin and Joan  wrote:

Dear Colleagues,

A few days back, while I was on assignment in Ethiopia, a consulting
firm I have long association with emailed to say they needed me to
cover a 2 day management training and team building job with a US Gov't
office in DC.

Fair enough I thought. The consulting firm knows me well and our
history together has always been one of success.

I asked for and received a Statement of Work (SOW) that was the usual
referencing of interactive approaches to building cooperation, respect
and a sense of teamwork.

Based on the SOW, I wrote a proposal for a 1 1/2 day Open Space
conference with the theme, "Looking for Opportunities to Improve Our

The proposal was accepted by the client.

 I am now Stateside. I just talked with the client and things look
pretty ugly.

I now  know the "real" interest in this exercise is to get rid of one
or two of the office employees. These two people are viewed by a new
management (my clients) as subversives, if not terrorists. The new boss
wants them "gone."

In 5 days I am scheduled to do this Open Space with six employees
including the boss.

I am not at all reluctant to change my proposal and do my "hard hat"
management consultant routine.

 On the other hand this might be a perfect OST opportunity.

What say you?


Elwin Guild
Future Development International

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Michael Herman
Michael Herman Associates
300 West North Ave #1105
Chicago IL 60610 USA
Phone: 312-280-7838

skype: globalchicago

Inviting Leadership ...getting
the most important things done in
the easiest possible ways.

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