The original question referenced the OSM wiki about "complex intersections" 

My much preferred tagging, not for any specific data consumer like OsmAnd, 
is to "tag all incoming ways" as illustrated 

The fact that it might make it easier for a router like OsmAnd is nice but 
the real reason is that in reality you don't have to stop two or three 
traffic lights in the middle of an intersection and I think the "tag all 
incoming ways" better models reality.

Curtis' tagging edits meet the intent of OSM, is documented in the wiki and 
is widely used. So I wonder if you actually read the link given before 
writing "Please don't".

On Friday, July 26, 2019 at 3:39:45 AM UTC-7, CP wrote:
> Op 25-07-19 om 21:26 schreef Curtis Brown:
> I have been moving traffic lights out out of these intersections, largely 
> for the reason brought up here:
> Please don't, Curtis.  Tagging is:
> 1 - Describe what you physically see ("Hey, I see a sign" )
> 2 - Describe what it does ("Hmm, that makes it one way traffic" )
> Moving traffic lights to come to the rescue of some bad router violates 
> both rules. 
> Thanks,
> CP

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