Hi all,

I'm trying to modify an OSM file using Osmosis, using the following

osmosis --read-xml ./dublin-m50.osm --tag-transform no_highway_transform.xml 
--write-xml dublin-m50-modified.osm

Unfortunately, no errors are reported and a new file is created. But when I open the file, the required tag hasn't been transformed :(

I created a simple transformation file like so:

       <name>Do not use highways</name>
       <description>Changes the value of the maxspeed key to be 
       <match mode="and" type="way">
               <tag k="highway" v="secondary"/>
               <tag k="maxspeed" match_id="speed" v=".*"/>
               <copy-all />
               <tag from_match="speed" v="-1" />


I'm unable to diagnose what I'm doing wrong. I tried to write stats to a file, but all I get is the name of the transformation file inside it.

I'm using Osmosis Version 0.43.1, so I'm assuming the tag-transform plugin doesn't need to be built separately.

Any ideas/suggestions would be appreciated.
Note: I'm aware that highways could be removed using "reject-ways 
but let's just assume that I actually want to update a tag's value.


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