The v5.15 release is focused on improving OSRM guidance and bug fixes. Also
a new class `tunnel` was added to designate route steps in tunnels.

Detailed list of changes in 5.15.0 from 5.14.3:

    - Bugfixes:
      - FIXED #4704: Fixed regression in bearings reordering introduced in
      - FIXED #4781: Fixed overflow exceptions in percent-encoding parsing
      - FIXED #4770: Fixed exclude flags for single toll road scenario
      - FIXED #4283: Fix overflow on zero duration segments
      - FIXED #4804: Ignore no_*_on_red turn restrictions

    - Guidance:
      - CHANGED #4706: Guidance refactoring step to decouple intersection
connectivity analysis and turn instructions generation
      - CHANGED #3491: Refactor `isThroughStreet`/Intersection options

    - Profile:
      - ADDED: `tunnel` as a new class in car profile so that sections of
the route with tunnel tags will be marked as such

You can compile OSRM from source, use the pre-built binaries we ship with
node-osrm or use our Docker images. Always happy to hear your feedback!

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