
we just released OSRM 5.3.0. This releases brings some exiting changes
with regard to the 5.2 series. Most importantly we now have support
for turn lanes. Thanks to all contributors of this release. Our
special thanks goes to Michael Krasnyk for contributing various bug
fixes and ARM support.

See the changelog below:

  Changes form 5.2.7
    - API
      - Introduces new `TurnType` in the form of `use lane`. The type
indicates that you have to stick to a lane without turning
      - Introduces `lanes` to the `Intersection` object. The lane data
contains both the markings at the intersection and a flag indicating
if they can be chosen for the next turn
      - Removed unused `-s` from `osrm-datastore`
    - Guidance
      - Only announce `use lane` on required turns (not using all
lanes to go straight)
      - Improved detection of obvious turns
      - Improved turn lane detection
      - Reduce the number of end-of-road instructions in obvious cases
    - Profile:
      - bicycle.lua: Surface speeds never increase the actual speed
    - Infrastructure
      - Add 32bit support
      - Add ARM NEON/VFP support
      - Fix Windows builds
      - Optimize speed file updates using mmap
      - Add option to disable LTO for older compilers
      - BREAKING: The new turn type changes the turn-type order. This
breaks the **data format**.
      - BREAKING: Turn lane data introduces two new files
(osrm.tld,osrm.tls). This breaks the fileformat for older versions.
    - Bugfixes:
      - Fix devide by zero on updating speed data using osrm-contract

As always there is a corresponding node-osrm release.


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