
 First of all, OS-RM is quite new for me, so the following may sound
as naive questions.

 I'd  like to dump some of the OS-RM graphs produced by the extractor to

some code in python.

I could extract the node coordinates, the (Compressed)
Node Based Graph and the EdgeBasedGraph
.  However, I am bit confused by the NBGtoEBG mapping and how to use it.

An Edge in the EdgeBased Graph has the form


To get the ids of the corresponding nodes, then I should look in the
NBGToEBG mapping

to find
those edge ids. If that ids is found in the forward field, then I take
the node source id,

 else the target node id. Is that correct ? or is there a step I missed ?

So I tried that to plot some edges on a map from the node coordinates.

However, I found some nodes that are unlikely to be connected:

 it looks like something is wrong in what I did.

My second question is: If ‘x’ is an edge of the edge based edge graph,

in what units is x.data.duration and   x.data.weight ?

Thanks a lot,

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