Hello Daniel and all,

I am using OSSEC 2.5.1 on different Linux environments for the past year 
and half with OpenSIPs and Asterisk applications to ban SIP brute-forcing 
attackers and of course it is doing its job very well. Thank you to all 
people involved with the development of this software.

So, for the past 2 days I've been in a battle with having a way to check 
which IPs are blocked by OSSEC-Server in an agent. I know that if I look 
into the active-responses.log I'll see what were the actions taken in a 
certain agent ( add and delete from the Iptables ) and if I look on the 
IPTables I'll be able to see the blocked IPs as well. But in an agent that 
the IPtables are complex there is no way of making sure that I am looking 
at OSSEC inserted rules.

My theory is that the server or the agent knows the association between the 
timeout, the blocked IP and the agent so that it can remove that 
active-response ( rule on the IPTable ) just after the timeout occured. 
Question is: where can I find that association, i.e where is the list of 
the blocked IPs of an agent?

I already looked into this list and the IRC channel and didn't find any 
information regarding this which for me it's odd because it seems to me 
that this should be a functionality asked by a lot of people.

On the same page of this problem I would like to know if it's possible to 
remove an IPTable rule without doing an "iptables -D" and without 
restarting the agent. You see, if I remove a rule "by hand", and because I 
am using timeouts of 24h, if the attacker tries again it'll send 
email_alerts but it'll not apply the active-response. So, my other question 
is: Is it possible to remove an active response before it's timeout where 
the agent is aware of that?

Thank you very much for your time. Best Regards,
Joel Oliveira

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