I’ve had the same challenge in detecting log entries that indicate a system has 
just recovered from a crash. Several log entries seem to be generated prior to 
OSSEC agent startup and when using the eventlog method of monitoring, never get 
sent to the manager. The EventChannel method of monitoring the Windows event 
logs might help with this. There is rumor 
<https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/ossec-list/mQr3L_sqJ-Q>  that 
EventChannel uses bookmarking to pick up from the last known log entry. This 
isn’t included in the documentation anywhere, but the feature appears in 
several commits on github. Unfortunately EventChannel is mostly broken in 2.8, 
so I haven’t looked into validating this theory. Maybe someone else will know 
for sure. Either way, the development version out on github should be fixed, if 
you are interested in testing.


From: ossec-list@googlegroups.com [mailto:ossec-list@googlegroups.com] On 
Behalf Of remoteph...@gmail.com
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 7:59 PM
To: ossec-list@googlegroups.com
Subject: [ossec-list] Windows Event Log Question - Startup events



I've had a lot of luck with OSSEC and it's helped immensely to monitor Windows 
systems, but I've run into a problem trying to capture certain event logs from 
Windows systems. 

The event is Windows event 6005, Initialization of audit logs. I believe the 
problem is this event is happening before the OSSEC Agent is started by 
Windows, but I'm not even sure how to check if that's true. I have no problems 
collecting other events from the System event log, but that one never seems to 
come through. 

Is there any way for OSSEC To grab historical Windows event logs or am I 
approaching this incorrectly?



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